plot_diff(): analyze differences


The function plot_diff() explores the difference of column distributions and statistics across multiple datasets.

Next, we demonstrate the functionality of plot_diff()

Load the dataset

dataprep.eda supports Pandas and Dask dataframes. Here, we will load the house prices datasets for both training and testing into a Pandas dataframe.

from dataprep.datasets import load_dataset
import numpy as np
df1 = load_dataset("house_prices_train")
df1 = df1.replace(" ?", np.NaN)
df2 = load_dataset("house_prices_test")
df2 = df2.replace(" ?", np.NaN)

Get an overview of the dataset with plot_diff([df1, df2])

We start by calling plot_diff([df1, df2]) which computes dataset-level statistics, a histogram for each numerical column, and a bar chart for each categorical column across two dataframes. The number of bins in the histogram can be specified with the parameter bins, and the number of categories in the bar chart can be specified with the parameter ngroups. If a column contains missing values, the percent of missing values is shown in the title and ignored when generating the plots.

from dataprep.eda import plot_diff
plot_diff([df1, df2])
DataPrep.EDA Report
Difference Overview
df1 df2
Number of Variables 81 80
Number of Rows 1460 1459
Missing Cells 6965 7000
Missing Cells (%) 5.9% 6.0%
Duplicate Rows 0 0
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0% 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 924.0 KB 912.0 KB
Average Row Size in Memory 922.6 KB 910.6 KB
Variable Types
  • Numerical: 27
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1
  • Numerical: 26
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1

Set the customized label in the comparison

Sometimes we want to give our datasets some better names, this can be specified with the parameter diff.label.

plot_diff([df1, df2], config={"diff.label": ["train", "test"]})
DataPrep.EDA Report
Difference Overview
train test
Number of Variables 81 80
Number of Rows 1460 1459
Missing Cells 6965 7000
Missing Cells (%) 5.9% 6.0%
Duplicate Rows 0 0
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0% 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 924.0 KB 912.0 KB
Average Row Size in Memory 922.6 KB 910.6 KB
Variable Types
  • Numerical: 27
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1
  • Numerical: 26
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1

Change the baseline dataset used for comparison

By default, we use the first dataset as our baseline to compute the distributions and statistics. If this baseline is not properly set, we can specify this parameter with diff.baseline.

The baseline starts with index 0 instead of 1 which is in the default label parameter.

plot_diff([df1, df2], config={"diff.baseline": 1})
DataPrep.EDA Report
Difference Overview
df1 df2
Number of Variables 81 80
Number of Rows 1460 1459
Missing Cells 6965 7000
Missing Cells (%) 5.9% 6.0%
Duplicate Rows 0 0
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0% 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 924.0 KB 912.0 KB
Average Row Size in Memory 922.6 KB 910.6 KB
Variable Types
  • Numerical: 27
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1
  • Numerical: 26
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1

Change to density plot

By default, we will show a comparison of histogram for a numerical column. You can change it to a density plot using diff.density parameter.

plot_diff([df1, df2], config = {"diff.density": True})
DataPrep.EDA Report
Difference Overview
df1 df2
Number of Variables 81 80
Number of Rows 1460 1459
Missing Cells 6965 7000
Missing Cells (%) 5.9% 6.0%
Duplicate Rows 0 0
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0% 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 924.0 KB 912.0 KB
Average Row Size in Memory 922.6 KB 910.6 KB
Variable Types
  • Numerical: 27
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1
  • Numerical: 26
  • Categorical: 53
  • GeoGraphy: 1