Source code for dataprep.eda.dtypes

In this module lives the type tree.
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Any, DefaultDict, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ..clean import validate_country, validate_lat_long
from ..errors import UnreachableError

CATEGORICAL_NUMPY_DTYPES = [np.bool, np.object]
CATEGORICAL_PANDAS_DTYPES = [pd.CategoricalDtype, pd.PeriodDtype]



DATETIME_NUMPY_DTYPES = [np.datetime64]

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[docs]class DType: """ Root of Type Tree """
############## Syntactic DTypes ##############
[docs]class Categorical(DType): """ Type Categorical """
[docs]class Nominal(Categorical): """ Type Nominal, Subtype of Categorical """
[docs]class Ordinal(Categorical): """ Type Ordinal, Subtype of Categorical """
[docs]class Numerical(DType): """ Type Numerical """
[docs]class Continuous(Numerical): """ Type Continuous, Subtype of Numerical """
[docs]class Discrete(Numerical): """ Type Discrete, Subtype of Numerical """
############## Semantic DTypes ##############
[docs]class DateTime(Numerical): """ Type DateTime, Subtype of Numerical """
[docs]class Text(Nominal): """ Type Text, Subtype of Nominal """
[docs]class GeoGraphy(Categorical): """ Type GeoGraphy, Subtype of Categorical """
[docs]class GeoPoint(DType): """ Type GeoPoint """
[docs]class LatLong(GeoPoint): """ Type LatLong, Tuple """ def __init__(self, lat_col: str, long_col: str) -> None: = lat_col self.long = long_col
############## End of the Type Tree ############## DTypeOrStr = Union[DType, Type[DType], str, None] DTypeDict = Union[Dict[str, Union[DType, Type[DType], str]], None] DTypeDef = Union[Dict[str, Union[DType, Type[DType], str]], DType, Type[DType], None]
[docs]def detect_dtype( col: dd.Series, known_dtype: Optional[DTypeDef] = None, detect_small_distinct: bool = True, ) -> DType: """ Given a column, detect its type or transform its type according to users' specification Parameters ---------- col: dask.datafram.Series A dataframe column known_dtype: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Union[DType, str]], DType]], default None A dictionary or single DType given by users to specify the types for designated columns or all columns. E.g. known_dtype = {"a": Continuous, "b": "Nominal"} or known_dtype = {"a": Continuous(), "b": "nominal"} or known_dtype = Continuous() or known_dtype = "Continuous" or known_dtype = Continuous() detect_small_distinct: bool, default True Whether to detect numerical columns with small distinct values as categorical column. """ if not known_dtype: return detect_without_known(col, detect_small_distinct=detect_small_distinct) if isinstance(known_dtype, dict): if in known_dtype: dtype = normalize_dtype(known_dtype[]) return map_dtype(dtype) elif isinstance(normalize_dtype(known_dtype), DType): return map_dtype(normalize_dtype(known_dtype)) return detect_without_known(col, detect_small_distinct=detect_small_distinct)
[docs]def map_dtype(dtype: DType) -> DType: """ Currently, we want to keep our Type System flattened. We will map Categorical() to Nominal() and Numerical() to Continuous() """ if ( isinstance(dtype, Categorical) is True and isinstance(dtype, Ordinal) is False and isinstance(dtype, Nominal) is False ): return Nominal() elif ( isinstance(dtype, Numerical) is True and isinstance(dtype, Continuous) is False and isinstance(dtype, Discrete) is False ): return Continuous() else: return dtype
[docs]def detect_without_known(col: dd.Series, detect_small_distinct: bool) -> DType: # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements """ This function detects dtypes of column when users didn't specify. """ if is_nominal(col.dtype): if is_geography(col): return GeoGraphy() if is_geopoint(col): return GeoPoint() else: return Nominal() elif is_continuous(col.dtype): if detect_small_distinct: # detect as categorical if distinct value is small nuniques = col.nunique_approx().compute() if nuniques < 10: return Nominal() else: return Continuous() else: return Continuous() elif is_datetime(col.dtype): return DateTime() else: raise UnreachableError
[docs]def is_dtype(dtype1: Any, dtype2: DType) -> bool: """ This function detects if dtype2 is dtype1. """ return isinstance(dtype1, dtype2.__class__)
[docs]def normalize_dtype(dtype_repr: Any) -> DType: """ This function normalizes a dtype repr. """ normalized: DType str_dic = { "Categorical": Categorical, "Ordinal": Ordinal, "Nominal": Nominal, "Numerical": Numerical, "Continuous": Continuous, "Discrete": Discrete, "DateTime": DateTime, "Text": Text, } for str_dtype, dtype in str_dic.items(): if isinstance(dtype_repr, str): if dtype_repr.lower() == str_dtype.lower(): normalized = dtype() break elif isinstance(dtype_repr, dtype): normalized = dtype_repr break elif dtype_repr == dtype: normalized = dtype() break return normalized
[docs]def is_nominal(dtype: Any) -> bool: """ Given a type, return if that type is a nominal type """ if is_continuous(dtype) or is_datetime(dtype): return False if isinstance(dtype, np.dtype): dtype = dtype.type return any(issubclass(dtype, c) for c in CATEGORICAL_NUMPY_DTYPES) else: return any(isinstance(dtype, c) for c in CATEGORICAL_PANDAS_DTYPES)
[docs]def is_geography(col: dd.Series) -> bool: """ Given a column, return if its type is a geography type """ geo = col.compute()[:100] geo_ratio: float = np.sum(validate_country(geo)) / geo.shape[0] return geo_ratio > 0.8
[docs]def is_geopoint(col: dd.Series) -> bool: """ Given a column, return if its type is a geopoint type """ lat_long = pd.Series(col.compute()[:100], dtype="string") lat_long_ratio: float = np.sum(validate_lat_long(lat_long)) / lat_long.shape[0] return lat_long_ratio > 0.8
[docs]def is_continuous(dtype: Any) -> bool: """ Given a type, return if that type is a continuous type """ dtype = dtype.type return any(issubclass(dtype, c) for c in NUMERICAL_NUMPY_DTYPES)
[docs]def is_datetime(dtype: Any) -> bool: """ Given a type, return if that type is a datetime type """ if isinstance(dtype, np.dtype): dtype = dtype.type return any(issubclass(dtype, c) for c in DATETIME_NUMPY_DTYPES) else: return any(isinstance(dtype, c) for c in DATETIME_PANDAS_DTYPES)
[docs]def is_pandas_categorical(dtype: Any) -> bool: """ Detect if a dtype is categorical and from pandas. """ return any(isinstance(dtype, c) for c in CATEGORICAL_PANDAS_DTYPES)
[docs]def drop_null( var: Union[dd.Series, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame] ) -> Union[pd.Series, dd.Series, pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame]: """ Drop the null values (specified in NULL_VALUES) from a series or DataFrame """ if isinstance(var, (pd.Series, dd.Series)): if is_datetime(var.dtype): return var.dropna() return var[~var.isin(NULL_VALUES)] elif isinstance(var, (pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame)): df = var for values in df.columns: if is_datetime(df[values].dtype): df = df.dropna(subset=[values]) else: df = df[~df[values].isin(NULL_VALUES)] return df raise ValueError("Input should be a Pandas/Dask Dataframe or Series")
[docs]def get_dtype_cnts_and_num_cols( df: dd.DataFrame, dtype: Union[Dict[str, Union[DType, Type[DType], str]], DType, Type[DType], None], ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, int], List[str]]: """ Get the count of each dtype in a dataframe """ dtype_cnts: DefaultDict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) num_cols: List[str] = [] for col in df.columns: col_dtype = detect_dtype(df[col], dtype) if is_dtype(col_dtype, Nominal()): dtype_cnts["Categorical"] += 1 elif is_dtype(col_dtype, Continuous()): dtype_cnts["Numerical"] += 1 num_cols.append(col) elif is_dtype(col_dtype, DateTime()): dtype_cnts["DateTime"] += 1 elif is_dtype(col_dtype, GeoGraphy()): dtype_cnts["GeoGraphy"] += 1 elif is_dtype(col_dtype, GeoPoint()): dtype_cnts["GeoPoint"] += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError return dtype_cnts, num_cols