Source code for dataprep.eda.correlation.render

    This module implements the visualization for
    plot_correlation(df) function
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Tuple

import numpy as np
from bokeh.layouts import column, row
from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.models.annotations import Title
from bokeh.models.widgets import Panel, Tabs
from bokeh.plotting import Figure, figure

from ..configs import Config
from ..intermediate import Intermediate
from ..palette import BRG, RDBU

__all__ = ["render_correlation"]

[docs]def render_correlation(itmdt: Intermediate, cfg: Config) -> Any: """ Render a correlation plot Parameters ---------- itmdt Intermediate computations cfg Config instance """ plot_width = cfg.plot.width if cfg.plot.width is not None else 400 plot_height = cfg.plot.height if cfg.plot.height is not None else 400 if itmdt.visual_type is None: visual_elem = Figure() elif itmdt.visual_type == "correlation_impact": visual_elem = render_correlation_impact(itmdt, plot_width, plot_height, cfg) elif itmdt.visual_type == "correlation_heatmaps": visual_elem = render_correlation_heatmaps(itmdt, plot_width, plot_height) elif itmdt.visual_type == "correlation_single_heatmaps": visual_elem = render_correlation_single_heatmaps(itmdt, plot_width, plot_height, cfg) elif itmdt.visual_type == "correlation_scatter": visual_elem = render_scatter(itmdt, plot_width, plot_height, cfg) elif itmdt.visual_type == "correlation_crossfilter": visual_elem = render_crossfilter(itmdt, plot_width, plot_height) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown visual type {itmdt.visual_type}") return visual_elem
# def _vis_cross_table(intermediate: Intermediate, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Figure: # """ # :param intermediate: An object to encapsulate the # intermediate results. # :return: A figure object # """ # result = intermediate.result # hv.extension("bokeh", logo=False) # cross_matrix = result["cross_table"] # x_cat_list = result["x_cat_list"] # y_cat_list = result["y_cat_list"] # data = [] # for i, _ in enumerate(x_cat_list): # for j, _ in enumerate(y_cat_list): # data.append((x_cat_list[i], y_cat_list[j], cross_matrix[i, j])) # tooltips = [("z", "@z")] # hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) # heatmap = hv.HeatMap(data) # heatmap.opts( # tools=[hover], # colorbar=True, # width=params["width"], # toolbar="above", # title="cross_table", # ) # fig = hv.render(heatmap, backend="bokeh") # _discard_unused_visual_elems(fig) # return fig ########## HeatMaps ########## def tweak_figure(fig: Figure) -> None: """ Set some common attributes for a figure """ fig.grid.grid_line_color = None fig.axis.axis_line_color = None fig.axis.major_tick_line_color = None fig.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "9pt" fig.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 3 # truncate axis tick values format_js = """ if (tick.length > 15) return tick.substring(0, 13) + '...'; else return tick; """ fig.xaxis.formatter = FuncTickFormatter(code=format_js) fig.yaxis.formatter = FuncTickFormatter(code=format_js) def render_correlation_impact( itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, cfg: Config ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Render correlation heatmaps in to tabs """ tabs: List[Panel] = [] tooltips = [("x", "@x"), ("y", "@y"), ("correlation", "@correlation{1.11}")] for method, df in itmdt["data"].items(): # in case of numerical column names df = df.copy() df["x"] = df["x"].apply(str) df["y"] = df["y"].apply(str) mapper, color_bar = create_color_mapper(RDBU) x_range = FactorRange(*itmdt["axis_range"]) y_range = FactorRange(*reversed(itmdt["axis_range"])) fig = Figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, x_axis_location="below", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None, tooltips=tooltips, background_fill_color="#fafafa", title=" ", ) tweak_figure(fig) fig.rect( x="x", y="y", width=1, height=1, source=df, fill_color={"field": "correlation", "transform": mapper}, line_color=None, ) fig.frame_width = plot_width fig.add_layout(color_bar, "left") tab = Panel(child=fig, title=method) tabs.append(tab) return { "insights": itmdt["insights"], "tabledata": itmdt["tabledata"], "layout": [panel.child for panel in tabs], "meta": [panel.title for panel in tabs], "container_width": plot_width + 150, "how_to_guide": corr_how_to_guides(cfg, plot_height, plot_width), } def corr_how_to_guides(cfg: Config, height: int, width: int) -> Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]]: """ How-to guide for correlation_impact """ htgs: Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, str]]] = {} if cfg.pearson.enable: htgs["Pearson"] = cfg.pearson.how_to_guide(height, width) if cfg.spearman.enable: htgs["Spearman"] = cfg.spearman.how_to_guide(height, width) if cfg.pearson.enable: htgs["KendallTau"] = cfg.kendall.how_to_guide(height, width) return htgs def render_correlation_heatmaps(itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int) -> Tabs: """ Render correlation heatmaps in to tabs """ tabs: List[Panel] = [] tooltips = [("x", "@x"), ("y", "@y"), ("correlation", "@correlation{1.11}")] axis_range = itmdt["axis_range"] for method, df in itmdt["data"].items(): # in case of numerical column names df = df.copy() df["x"] = df["x"].apply(str) df["y"] = df["y"].apply(str) mapper, color_bar = create_color_mapper(RDBU) x_range = FactorRange(*axis_range) y_range = FactorRange(*reversed(axis_range)) fig = Figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, x_axis_location="below", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None, tooltips=tooltips, background_fill_color="#fafafa", ) tweak_figure(fig) fig.rect( x="x", y="y", width=1, height=1, source=df, fill_color={"field": "correlation", "transform": mapper}, line_color=None, ) fig.add_layout(color_bar, "right") tab = Panel(child=fig, title=method) tabs.append(tab) tabs = Tabs(tabs=tabs) return tabs def render_correlation_single_heatmaps( itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, cfg: Config ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Render correlation heatmaps, but with single column """ tabs: List[Panel] = [] tooltips = [("y", "@y"), ("correlation", "@correlation{1.11}")] for method, df in itmdt["data"].items(): mapper, color_bar = create_color_mapper(RDBU) x_range = FactorRange(*df["x"].unique()) y_range = FactorRange(*df["y"].unique()) fig = figure( x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, x_axis_location="below", tools="hover", toolbar_location=None, tooltips=tooltips, title=" ", ) tweak_figure(fig) fig.rect( x="x", y="y", width=1, height=1, source=df, fill_color={"field": "correlation", "transform": mapper}, line_color=None, ) fig.add_layout(color_bar, "right") tab = Panel(child=fig, title=method) tabs.append(tab) return { "tabledata": {}, "layout": [panel.child for panel in tabs], "meta": [panel.title for panel in tabs], "container_width": plot_width, "how_to_guide": corr_how_to_guides(cfg, plot_height, plot_width), } def create_color_mapper(palette: Sequence[str]) -> Tuple[LinearColorMapper, ColorBar]: """ Create a color mapper and a colorbar for heatmap """ mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, low=-1, high=1) colorbar = ColorBar( color_mapper=mapper, major_label_text_font_size="8pt", ticker=BasicTicker(), formatter=PrintfTickFormatter(format="%.2f"), label_standoff=6, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0), ) return mapper, colorbar ######### Scatter ######### def render_scatter( itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int, cfg: Config ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Render scatter plot with a regression line and possible most influencial points """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals df = itmdt["data"] xcol, ycol, *maybe_label = df.columns tooltips = [(xcol, f"@{{{xcol}}}"), (ycol, f"@{{{ycol}}}")] fig = Figure( plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location=None, tools=[], x_axis_label=xcol, y_axis_label=ycol, title=" ", ) # Scatter scatter = fig.scatter(x=df.columns[0], y=df.columns[1], source=df) if maybe_label: assert len(maybe_label) == 1 mapper = CategoricalColorMapper(factors=["=", "+", "-"], palette=BRG) scatter.glyph.fill_color = {"field": maybe_label[0], "transform": mapper} scatter.glyph.line_color = {"field": maybe_label[0], "transform": mapper} # Regression line coeff_a, coeff_b = itmdt["coeffs"] line_x = np.asarray([df.iloc[:, 0].min(), df.iloc[:, 0].max()]) line_y = coeff_a * line_x + coeff_b fig.line(x=line_x, y=line_y, line_width=3) # Not adding the tooltips before because we only want to apply tooltip to the scatter hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[scatter]) fig.add_tools(hover) # Add legends if maybe_label: nidx = df.index[df[maybe_label[0]] == "-"][0] pidx = df.index[df[maybe_label[0]] == "+"][0] legend = Legend( items=[ LegendItem(label="Most Influential (-)", renderers=[scatter], index=nidx), LegendItem(label="Most Influential (+)", renderers=[scatter], index=pidx), ], margin=0, padding=0, ) fig.add_layout(legend, place="right") return { "layout": [fig], "meta": ["Scatter Plot & Regression Line"], "container_width": plot_width, "how_to_guide": { "Scatter Plot & Regression Line": cfg.scatter.how_to_guide(plot_height, plot_width) }, } ######### Interactions for report ######### def render_crossfilter(itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int) -> column: """ Render crossfilter scatter plot with a regression line. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-function-args df = itmdt["data"] df["__x__"] = df[df.columns[0]] df["__y__"] = df[df.columns[0]] source_scatter = ColumnDataSource(df) source_xy_value = ColumnDataSource({"x": [df.columns[0]], "y": [df.columns[0]]}) var_list = list(df.columns[:-2]) xcol =["x"][0] ycol =["y"][0] tooltips = [("X-Axis: ", "@__x__"), ("Y-Axis: ", "@__y__")] fig = Figure( plot_width=plot_width, plot_height=plot_height, toolbar_location=None, title=Title(text="Scatter Plot", align="center"), tools=[], x_axis_label=xcol, y_axis_label=ycol, ) scatter = fig.scatter("__x__", "__y__", source=source_scatter) hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[scatter]) fig.add_tools(hover) x_select = Select(title="X-Axis", value=xcol, options=var_list, width=150) y_select = Select(title="Y-Axis", value=ycol, options=var_list, width=150) x_select.js_on_change( "value", CustomJS( args=dict( scatter=source_scatter, xy_value=source_xy_value, x_axis=fig.xaxis[0], ), code=""" let currentSelect = this.value; let xyValueData =; let scatterData =; xyValueData['x'][0] = currentSelect; scatterData['__x__'] = scatterData[currentSelect]; x_axis.axis_label = currentSelect; scatter.change.emit(); xy_value.change.emit(); """, ), ) y_select.js_on_change( "value", CustomJS( args=dict( scatter=source_scatter, xy_value=source_xy_value, y_axis=fig.yaxis[0], ), code=""" let currentSelect = this.value; let xyValueData =; let scatterData =; xyValueData['y'][0] = currentSelect; scatterData['__y__'] = scatterData[currentSelect]; y_axis.axis_label = currentSelect; scatter.change.emit(); xy_value.change.emit(); """, ), ) fig = column(row(x_select, y_select, align="center"), fig, sizing_mode="stretch_width") return fig # ######### Interactions for report ######### # def render_crossfilter( # itmdt: Intermediate, plot_width: int, plot_height: int # ) -> column: # """ # Render crossfilter scatter plot with a regression line. # """ # # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-function-args # source_scatter = ColumnDataSource(itmdt["data"]) # source_coeffs = ColumnDataSource(itmdt["coeffs"]) # source_xy_value = ColumnDataSource( # {"x": [itmdt["data"].columns[0]], "y": [itmdt["data"].columns[0]]} # ) # var_list = list(itmdt["data"].columns)[0:-2] # xcol =["x"][0] # ycol =["y"][0] # tooltips = [("X-Axis: ", "@__x__"), ("Y-Axis: ", "@__y__")] # fig = Figure( # plot_width=plot_width, # plot_height=plot_height, # toolbar_location=None, # title=Title(text="Scatter Plot & Regression Line", align="center"), # tools=[], # x_axis_label=xcol, # y_axis_label=ycol, # ) # scatter = fig.scatter("__x__", "__y__", source=source_scatter) # fig.line("__x__", "__y__", source=source_coeffs, line_width=3) # # Not adding the tooltips before because we only want to apply tooltip to the scatter # hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[scatter]) # fig.add_tools(hover) # x_select = Select(title="X-Axis", value=xcol, options=var_list, width=150) # y_select = Select(title="Y-Axis", value=ycol, options=var_list, width=150) # x_select.js_on_change( # "value", # CustomJS( # args=dict( # scatter=source_scatter, # coeffs=source_coeffs, # xy_value=source_xy_value, # x_axis=fig.xaxis[0], # ), # code=""" # let currentSelect = this.value; # let xyValueData =; # let scatterData =; # let coeffsData =; # xyValueData['x'][0] = currentSelect; # scatterData['__x__'] = scatterData[currentSelect]; # coeffsData['__x__'] = coeffsData[`${currentSelect}${xyValueData['y'][0]}x`]; # coeffsData['__y__'] = coeffsData[`${currentSelect}${xyValueData['y'][0]}y`]; # x_axis.axis_label = currentSelect; # scatter.change.emit(); # coeffs.change.emit(); # xy_value.change.emit(); # """, # ), # ) # y_select.js_on_change( # "value", # CustomJS( # args=dict( # scatter=source_scatter, # coeffs=source_coeffs, # xy_value=source_xy_value, # y_axis=fig.yaxis[0], # ), # code=""" # let currentSelect = this.value; # let xyValueData =; # let scatterData =; # let coeffsData =; # xyValueData['y'][0] = currentSelect; # scatterData['__y__'] = scatterData[currentSelect]; # coeffsData['__x__'] = coeffsData[`${xyValueData['x'][0]}${currentSelect}x`]; # coeffsData['__y__'] = coeffsData[`${xyValueData['x'][0]}${currentSelect}y`]; # y_axis.axis_label = currentSelect; # scatter.change.emit(); # coeffs.change.emit(); # xy_value.change.emit(); # """, # ), # ) # fig = column( # row(x_select, y_select, align="center"), fig, sizing_mode="stretch_width" # ) # return fig