Source code for dataprep.eda.correlation.compute

"""This module implements the intermediates computation
for plot_correlation(df) function."""

from typing import Optional, Tuple, List, Dict, Union, Any
from warnings import catch_warnings, filterwarnings

from ...configs import Config
from ...intermediate import Intermediate
from ...eda_frame import EDAFrame, DataFrame
from .bivariate import _calc_bivariate
from .overview import _calc_overview
from .univariate import _calc_univariate

__all__ = ["compute_correlation"]

[docs]def compute_correlation( df: DataFrame, col1: Optional[str] = None, col2: Optional[str] = None, *, cfg: Union[Config, Dict[str, Any], None] = None, display: Optional[List[str]] = None, value_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, k: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Intermediate: # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """ Parameters ---------- df The pandas dataframe for which plots are calculated for each column. cfg Config instance col1 A valid column name of the dataframe col2 A valid column name of the dataframe value_range If the correlation value is out of the range, don't show it. cfg: Union[Config, Dict[str, Any], None], default None When a user call plot_correlation(), the created Config object will be passed to compute_correlation(). When a user call compute_correlation() directly, if he/she wants to customize the output, cfg is a dictionary for configuring. If not, cfg is None and default values will be used for parameters. display: Optional[List[str]], default None A list containing the names of the visualizations to display. Only exist when a user call compute_correlation() directly and want to customize the output k Choose top-k element """ if isinstance(cfg, dict): cfg = Config.from_dict(display, cfg) elif not cfg: cfg = Config() x, y = col1, col2 frame = EDAFrame(df) if x is None and y is None: # pylint: disable=no-else-return with catch_warnings(): filterwarnings( "ignore", "overflow encountered in long_scalars", category=RuntimeWarning, ) return _calc_overview(frame, cfg, value_range=value_range, k=k) elif x is not None and y is None: with catch_warnings(): filterwarnings( "ignore", "overflow encountered in long_scalars", category=RuntimeWarning, ) return _calc_univariate(frame, x, cfg, value_range=value_range, k=k) elif x is None and y is not None: raise ValueError("Please give the column name to x instead of y") elif x is not None and y is not None: return _calc_bivariate(frame, cfg, x, y, k=k) raise ValueError("Not Possible")