Source code for dataprep.eda.configs

Parameter configurations

This file contains configurations for stats, auto-insights and plots. There are mainly two settings,
"display" and "config". Display is a list of Tab names which control the Tabs to show.
Config is a dictionary that contains the customizable parameters and corresponding values.
There are two types of parameters, global and local. Local parameters are plot-specified and
the names are separated  by ".". The portion before the first "." is plot name and the portion
after the first "." is parameter name. e.g. "hist.bins". The "." is also used when the parameter
name contains more than one word. e.g. "insight.duplicates.threshold". However, in the codebase,
the "." is replaced with "__" for parameters with long names.e.g. "insight.duplicates__threshold".
Global parameter is single-word. It applies to all the plots which has that parameter.
e.g. "bins:50" applies to "hist.bins", "line.bins", "kde.bins", "wordlen.bins" and "box.bins".
In addition,when global parameter and local parameter are both entered by a user in config,
the global parameter will be overwrote by local parameters for specific plots.

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines,no-self-use,blacklisted-name,no-else-raise,too-many-branches,no-name-in-module
# pylint: disable = protected-access
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

# This dictionary map the plot names in display to their canonicalized names in Config
    "Bar Chart": "bar",
    "Pie Chart": "pie",
    "Word Cloud": "wordcloud",
    "Word Frequency": "wordfreq",
    "Word Length": "wordlen",
    "Histogram": "hist",
    "KDE Plot": "kde",
    "Normal Q-Q Plot": "qqnorm",
    "Box Plot": "box",
    "Line Chart": "line",
    "Stats": "stats",
    "Insights": "insight",
    "Scatter Plot": "scatter",
    "Hexbin Plot": "hexbin",
    "Nested Bar Chart": "nested",
    "Stacked Bar Chart": "stacked",
    "Heat Map": "heatmap",
    "Pearson": "pearson",
    "Spearman": "spearman",
    "KendallTau": "kendall",
    "Spectrum": "spectrum",
    "Dendrogram": "dendro",
    "PDF": "pdf",
    "CDF": "cdf",
    "Value Table": "value_table",

# This dictionary map is used for session control in create_report
    "Overview": "overview",
    "Variables": "variables",
    "Interactions": "interactions",
    "Correlations": "correlations",
    "Missing Values": "missingvalues",

[docs]class Plot(BaseModel): """ Class containing global parameters for the plots """ width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None bins: Union[int, None] = None ngroups: Union[int, None] = None report: bool = False
[docs]class Diff(BaseModel): """ Define the parameters in the plot_diff """ label: Union[List[str], None] = None baseline: int = 0 density: bool = False
[docs]class Stats(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to display the stats section """ enable: bool = True
[docs]class Insight(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element duplicates__threshold: int, default 1 Warn if the percent of duplicated values is above this threshold similar_distribution__threshold:float, default 0.05 The significance level for Kolmogorov–Smirnov test uniform__threshold: float, default 0.999 The p-value threshold for chi-square test missing__threshold: int, default 1 Warn if the percent of missing values is above this threshold skewed__threshold: float, default 1e-5 The p-value for the scipy.skewtest which test whether the skew is different from the normal distributionin infinity__threshold: int, default 1 Warn if the percent of infinites is above this threshold zeros__threshold: int, default 5 Warn if the percent of zeros is above this threshold negatives__threshold: int, default 1 Warn if the percent of negatives is above this threshold normal__threshold: float, default 0.99 The p-value threshold for normal test, it is based on D’Agostino and Pearson’s test that combines skew and kurtosis to produce an omnibus test of normality high_cardinality__threshold: int, default 50 The threshold for unique values count, count larger than threshold yields high cardinality constant__threshold: int, default 1 The threshold for unique values count, count equals to threshold yields constant value outstanding_no1__threshold: float, default 1.5 The threshold for outstanding no1 insight, measures the ratio of the largest category count to the second-largest category count attribution__threshold: float, default 0.5 The threshold for the attribution insight, measures the percentage of the top 2 categories high_word_cardinality__threshold: int, default 1000 The threshold for the high word cardinality insight, which measures the number of words of that cateogory outstanding_no1_word__threshold: int, default 0 The threshold for the outstanding no1 word threshold, which measures the ratio of the most frequent word count to the second most frequent word count outlier__threshold: int, default 0 The threshold for the outlier count in the box plot """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes enable: bool = True duplicates__threshold: int = 1 similar_distribution__threshold: float = 0.05 uniform__threshold: float = 0.999 missing__threshold: int = 1 skewed__threshold: float = 1e-5 infinity__threshold: int = 1 zeros__threshold: int = 5 negatives__threshold: int = 1 normal__threshold: float = 0.99 high_cardinality__threshold: int = 50 constant__threshold: int = 1 outstanding_no1__threshold: float = 1.5 attribution__threshold: float = 0.5 high_word_cardinality__threshold: int = 1000 outstanding_no1_word__threshold: float = 1.5 outlier__threshold: int = 0
[docs]class Hist(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bins: int, default 50 Number of bins in the histogram yscale: str, default "linear" Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log") color: str, default "#aec7e8" Color of the histogram height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True bins: int = 50 yscale: str = "linear" color: str = "#aec7e8" height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.bins, self.yscale, self.color, height, width] names = ["hist.bins", "hist.yscale", "hist.color", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Number of bins in the histogram", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', "Color", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def grid_how_to_guide(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df) """ vals = [self.bins, self.yscale, self.color] names = ["hist.bins", "hist.yscale", "hist.color"] descs = ["Number of bins in the histogram", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', "Color"] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Bar(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bars: int, default 10 Maximum number of bars to display sort_descending: bool, default True Whether to sort the bars in descending order yscale: str, default "linear" Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log") color: str, default "#1f77b4" Color of the bar chart height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True bars: int = 10 sort_descending: bool = True yscale: str = "linear" color: str = "#1f77b4" height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.bars, self.sort_descending, self.yscale, self.color, height, width] names = ["bar.bars", "bar.sort_descending", "bar.yscale", "bar.color", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Maximum number of bars to display", "Whether to sort the bars in descending order", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', "Color", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def grid_how_to_guide(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df) """ vals = [self.bars, self.sort_descending, self.yscale] names = ["bar.bars", "bar.sort_descending", "bar.yscale"] descs = [ "Maximum number of bars to display", "Whether to sort the bars in descending order", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def missing_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot_missing(df, x, [y]) """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class KDE(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bins: int, default 50 Number of bins in the histogram yscale: str, default "linear" Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log") hist_color: str, default "#aec7e8" Color of the density histogram line_color: str, default "#d62728 Color of the density line height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True bins: int = 50 yscale: str = "linear" hist_color: str = "#aec7e8" line_color: str = "#d62728" width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.bins, self.yscale, self.hist_color, self.line_color, height, width] names = ["kde.bins", "kde.yscale", "kde.hist_color", "kde.line_color", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Number of bins in the histogram", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', "Color of the density histogram", "Color of the density line", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class QQNorm(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element point_color: str, default "#1f77b4" Color of the density histogram line_color: str, default "#d62728 Color of the density line height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True point_color: str = "#1f77b4" line_color: str = "#d62728" height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.point_color, self.line_color, height, width] names = ["qqnorm.point_color", "qqnorm.line_color", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Color of the points", "Color of the line", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Box(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element ngroups: int, default 15 Maximum number of groups to display bins: int, default 50 Number of bins unit: str, default "auto" Defines the time unit to group values over for a datetime column. It can be "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second". With default value "auto", it will use the time unit such that the resulting number of groups is closest to 15 sort_descending: bool, default True Whether to sort the boxes in descending order of frequency color: str, default "#d62728 Color of the box_plot height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True ngroups: int = 15 bins: int = 50 unit: str = "auto" sort_descending: bool = True color: str = "#1f77b4" width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def univar_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.color, height, width] names = ["box.color", "height", "width"] descs = ["Color", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def nom_cont_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, nominal, continuous) """ vals = [self.ngroups, self.sort_descending, height, width] names = ["box.ngroups", ".box.sort_descending", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Maximum number of groups to display", "Whether to sort the boxes in descending order of frequency", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def two_cont_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, continuous, continuous) """ vals = [self.bins, height, width] names = ["box.bins", "height", "width"] descs = ["Number of bins", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Pie(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element slices: int, default 10 Maximum number of pie slices to display sort_descending: bool, default True Whether to sort the slices in descending order of frequency colors: Optional[List[str]], default None List of colors height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True slices: int = 10 sort_descending: bool = True colors: Optional[List[str]] = None width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, color_list: List[str], height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.slices, self.sort_descending, color_list, height, width] names = ["pie.slices", "pie.sort_descending", "pie.colors", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Maximum number of pie slices to display", "Whether to sort the slices in descending order of frequency", "List of colors", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class WordCloud(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element top_words: int, default 30 Maximum number of most frequent words to display stopword: bool, default True Whether to remove stopwords lemmatize: bool, default False Whether to lemmatize the words stem: bool, default False Whether to apply Potter Stem on the words """ enable: bool = True top_words: int = 30 stopword: bool = True lemmatize: bool = False stem: bool = False height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.top_words, self.stopword, self.lemmatize, self.stem, height, width] names = [ "wordcloud.top_words", "wordcloud.stopword", "wordcloud.lemmatize", "wordcloud.stem", "height", "width", ] descs = [ "Maximum number of most frequent words to display", "Whether to remove stopwords", "Whether to lemmatize the words", "Whether to apply Potter Stem on the words", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class WordFrequency(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element top_words: int, default 30 Maximum number of most frequent words to display stopword: bool, default True Whether to remove stopwords lemmatize: bool, default False Whether to lemmatize the words stem: bool, default False Whether to apply Potter Stem on the words color: str, default "#1f77b4" Color of the bar chart """ enable: bool = True top_words: int = 30 stopword: bool = True lemmatize: bool = False stem: bool = False color: str = "#1f77b4" width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.top_words, self.stopword, self.lemmatize, self.stem, self.color, height, width] names = [ "wordfreq.top_words", "wordfreq.stopword", "wordfreq.lemmatize", "wordfreq.stem", "wordfreq.color", "height", "width", ] descs = [ "Maximum number of most frequent words to display", "Whether to remove stopwords", "Whether to lemmatize the words", "Whether to apply Potter Stem on the words", "Color", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class WordLength(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bins: int, default 50 Number of bins in the histogram yscale: str, default "linear" Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log") color: str, default "#aec7e8" Color of the histogram height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True bins: int = 50 yscale: str = "linear" color: str = "#aec7e8" width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.bins, self.yscale, self.color, height, width] names = ["wordlen.bins", "wordlen.yscale", "wordlen.color", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Number of bins in the histogram", 'Y-axis scale ("linear" or "log")', "Color", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Line(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bins: int, default 50 Number of bins ngroups: int, default 10 Maximum number of groups to display sort_descending: bool, default True Whether to sort the groups in descending order of frequency yscale: str, default "linear" The scale to show on the y axis. Can be "linear" or "log". unit: str, default "auto" Defines the time unit to group values over for a datetime column. It can be "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second". With default value "auto", it will use the time unit such that the resulting number of groups is closest to 15 agg: str, default "mean" Specify the aggregate to use when aggregating over a numeric column height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes enable: bool = True bins: int = 50 ngroups: int = 10 sort_descending: bool = True yscale: str = "linear" unit: str = "auto" agg: str = "mean" height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def nom_cont_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, nominal, continuous) """ vals = [self.ngroups, self.sort_descending, height, width] names = ["line.ngroups", "line.sort_descending", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Maximum number of groups to display", "Whether to sort the groups in descending order of frequency", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Scatter(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element sample_size: int, optional, default=1000 Number of points to randomly sample per partition. Cannot be used with sample_rate. sample_rate: float, optional, default None sample rate per partition. Cannot be used with sample_size. Set it to 1.0 for no sampling. height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True sample_size: Optional[int] = 1000 sample_rate: Optional[float] = None height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None # used internally for param checking. Seems # internal param will be treat as class attr. in pydantic, # hence we need to init. it in __init__. _user_input_params: Dict[str, Any] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() object.__setattr__(self, "_user_input_params", {})
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ if self.sample_size is not None: para_val: Union[int, float, None] = self.sample_size para_name = "scatter.sample_size" para_desc = "Number of points to randomly sample per partition" else: para_val = self.sample_rate para_name = "scatter.sample_rate" para_desc = "Sample rate to randomly sample per partition" vals = [para_val, height, width] names = [para_name, "height", "width"] descs = [ para_desc, "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
def _check_and_correct_param(self) -> None: """Check whether the parameters are valid, and correct param when necessary""" user_set_sample_size = ( self._user_input_params["sample_size"] if "sample_size" in self._user_input_params else None ) user_set_sample_rate = ( self._user_input_params["sample_rate"] if "sample_rate" in self._user_input_params else None ) if (user_set_sample_size is not None) and (user_set_sample_rate is not None): raise AttributeError( f"Scatter plot set sample size {user_set_sample_size} and " + f"sample rate {user_set_sample_rate}, please only set one of them." ) if user_set_sample_rate is not None: self.sample_size = None
[docs]class Hexbin(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element tile_size: float, default "auto" The size of the tile in the hexbin plot. Measured from the middle of a hexagon to its left or right corner. height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True tile_size: str = "auto" height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, tile_size: float, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [tile_size, height, width] names = ["hexbin.tile_size", "height", "width"] descs = [ "Tile size, measured from the middle of the hexagon to the left or right corner", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Nested(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element ngroups: int, default 10 Maximum number of most frequent values from the first column to display nsubgroups: int, default 5 Maximum number of most frequent values from the second column to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values from the first column) height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True ngroups: int = 10 nsubgroups: int = 5 width: Union[int, None] = None height: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, x: str, y: str, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [self.ngroups, self.nsubgroups, height, width] names = ["nested.ngroups", "nested.nsubgroups", "height", "width"] descs = [ f"Maximum number of most frequent values in column {x} to display", f"""Maximum number of most frequent values in column {y} to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values in column {x})""", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Stacked(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element ngroups: int, default 10 Maximum number of most frequent values from the first column to display nsubgroups: int, default 5 Maximum number of most frequent values from the second column to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values from the first column) unit: str, default "auto" Defines the time unit to group values over for a datetime column. It can be "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second". With default value "auto", it will use the time unit such that the resulting number of groups is closest to 15 sort_descending: bool, default True Whether to sort the groups in descending order of frequency height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True ngroups: int = 10 nsubgroups: int = 5 unit: str = "auto" sort_descending: bool = True height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, x: str, y: str, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [self.ngroups, self.nsubgroups, height, width] names = ["stacked.ngroups", "stacked.nsubgroups", "height", "width"] descs = [ f"Maximum number of most frequent values in column {x} to display", f"""Maximum number of most frequent values in column {y} to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values in column {x})""", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Heatmap(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element ngroups: int, default 10 Maximum number of most frequent values from the first column to display nsubgroups: int, default 5 Maximum number of most frequent values from the second column to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values from the first column) height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True ngroups: int = 10 nsubgroups: int = 5 height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, x: str, y: str, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, nominal, nominal) """ vals = [self.ngroups, self.nsubgroups, height, width] names = ["heatmap.ngroups", "heatmap.nsubgroups", "height", "width"] descs = [ f"Maximum number of most frequent values in column {x} to display", f"""Maximum number of most frequent values in column {y} to display (computed on the filtered data consisting of the most frequent values in column {x})""", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs] def missing_how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot_missing(df) """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Pearson(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Spearman(BaseModel): """ height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class KendallTau(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Spectrum(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element bins: int, default 20 Number of bins height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True bins: int = 20 height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [self.bins, height, width] names = ["spectrum.bins", "height", "width"] descs = ["Number of bins", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class Dendrogram(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [height, width] names = ["height", "width"] descs = ["Height of the plot", "Width of the plot"] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class PDF(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element sample_size: int, default 100 Number of evenly spaced samples between the minimum and maximum values to compute the pdf at height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True sample_size: int = 100 height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [self.sample_size, height, width] names = ["pdf.sample_size", "height", "width"] descs = [ """Number of evenly spaced samples between the minimum and maximum values to compute the pdf at""", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class CDF(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element sample_size: Number of evenly spaced samples between the minimum and maximum values to compute the cdf at height: int, default "auto" Height of the plot width: int, default "auto" Width of the plot """ enable: bool = True sample_size: int = 100 height: Union[int, None] = None width: Union[int, None] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self, height: int, width: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide """ vals = [self.sample_size, height, width] names = ["pdf.sample_size", "height", "width"] descs = [ """Number of evenly spaced samples between the minimum and maximum values to compute the pdf at""", "Height of the plot", "Width of the plot", ] return [(f"'{name}': {val}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class ValueTable(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element ngroups: int, default 10 Number of values to show in the table """ enable: bool = True ngroups: int = 10
[docs] def how_to_guide(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot(df, x) """ vals = [self.ngroups] names = ["value_table.ngroups"] descs = ["The number of distinct values to show"] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
def _form(val: Any) -> Any: """ Format a value for the how-to guide """ return f"'{val}'" if isinstance(val, str) else val # The following five classes are for create_report
[docs]class Overview(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element """ enable: bool = True
[docs]class Variables(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element """ enable: bool = True
[docs]class Interactions(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element """ enable: bool = True
[docs]class Correlations(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element value_range If the correlation value is out of the range, don't show it. k Choose top-k element """ enable: bool = True value_range: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None k: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def how_to_guide(self) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """ how-to guide for plot_correlation(df, x) """ vals = [self.value_range, self.k] names = ["correlations.value_range", "correlations.k"] descs = [ "If the correlation value is out of the range, don't show it", "Choose top-k element", ] return [(f"'{name}': {_form(val)}", desc) for name, val, desc in zip(names, vals, descs)]
[docs]class MissingValues(BaseModel): """ enable: bool, default True Whether to create this element """ enable: bool = True
[docs]class Config(BaseModel): """ Configuration class """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes hist: Hist = Field(default_factory=Hist) bar: Bar = Field(default_factory=Bar) pie: Pie = Field(default_factory=Pie) line: Line = Field(default_factory=Line) stats: Stats = Field(default_factory=Stats) wordcloud: WordCloud = Field(default_factory=WordCloud) wordfreq: WordFrequency = Field(default_factory=WordFrequency) wordlen: WordLength = Field(default_factory=WordLength) qqnorm: QQNorm = Field(default_factory=QQNorm) kde: KDE = Field(default_factory=KDE) box: Box = Field(default_factory=Box) scatter: Scatter = Field(default_factory=Scatter) nested: Nested = Field(default_factory=Nested) stacked: Stacked = Field(default_factory=Stacked) heatmap: Heatmap = Field(default_factory=Heatmap) insight: Insight = Field(default_factory=Insight) hexbin: Hexbin = Field(default_factory=Hexbin) pearson: Pearson = Field(default_factory=Pearson) spearman: Spearman = Field(default_factory=Spearman) kendall: KendallTau = Field(default_factory=KendallTau) spectrum: Spectrum = Field(default_factory=Spectrum) dendro: Dendrogram = Field(default_factory=Dendrogram) pdf: PDF = Field(default_factory=PDF) cdf: CDF = Field(default_factory=CDF) value_table: ValueTable = Field(default_factory=ValueTable) plot: Plot = Field(default_factory=Plot) overview: Overview = Field(default_factory=Overview) variables: Variables = Field(default_factory=Variables) interactions: Interactions = Field(default_factory=Interactions) correlations: Correlations = Field(default_factory=Correlations) missingvalues: MissingValues = Field(default_factory=MissingValues) diff: Diff = Field(default_factory=Diff) def _set_enable_for_plots(self, display: List[str]) -> None: """set the enable for all plots from display, used for 'from_dict' constructor """ all_plot_names = vars(self).keys() try: # set all plots not in display list to enable=False except for Plot and Diff class valid_display = [DISPLAY_MAP[disp] for disp in display] for plot_name in set(all_plot_names) - set(valid_display) - {"plot"} - {"diff"}: setattr(getattr(self, plot_name), "enable", False) except KeyError: # handle report config valid_display = [DISPLAY_REPORT_MAP[disp] for disp in display] for plot_name in set(DISPLAY_REPORT_MAP.values()) - set(valid_display): setattr(getattr(self, plot_name), "enable", False) def _set_param_for_plot( self, plot_name: str, param: str, val: Any, raise_error_if_not_exists: bool ) -> None: """set the parameter for a given plot, used when set global and local parameters for each plot""" if plot_name not in vars(self).keys(): raise AttributeError(f"plot {plot_name} does not exist") plot = getattr(self, plot_name) if hasattr(plot, param): setattr(plot, param, val) if hasattr(plot, "_user_input_params"): plot._user_input_params[param] = val else: if raise_error_if_not_exists: raise AttributeError(f"{plot_name} plot does not have parameter {param}") def _set_global_param_for_plots(self, global_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """set the global parameters for all plots, used for 'from_dict' constructor """ all_plot_names = vars(self).keys() valid_global_params = vars(self.plot).keys() for param, val in global_params.items(): # set the parameter to the specified value for each plot that # has this parameter if param not in valid_global_params: raise AttributeError(f"{param} is not a global parameter") else: # ngroups applies to "bars" and "slices" for the bar and pie charts if param == "ngroups": setattr(getattr(self, "bar"), "bars", val) setattr(getattr(self, "pie"), "slices", val) for plot_name in all_plot_names: self._set_param_for_plot(plot_name, param, val, raise_error_if_not_exists=False) def _set_local_param_for_plots(self, local_params: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """set the local parameters for all plots, used for 'from_dict' constructor """ for key, value in local_params.items(): plot_name, rest = key.split(".", 1) param = rest.replace(".", "__") self._set_param_for_plot(plot_name, param, value, raise_error_if_not_exists=True) def _check_and_correct_params_for_plots(self) -> None: """Call the '_check_and_correct_param' for some plots, used for 'from_dict' constructor. The '_check_and_correct_param' is used to check and correct parameter and handle the case when multiple parameters are not allowed set at the same time. E.g., the sample size and sample rate in scatter plot.""" all_plot_names = vars(self).keys() for plot_name in all_plot_names: plot = getattr(self, plot_name) if hasattr(plot, "_check_and_correct_param"): plot._check_and_correct_param()
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, display: Optional[List[str]] = None, config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Config: """ Converts an dictionary instance into a config class """ cfg = cls() if display is not None: cfg._set_enable_for_plots(display) if config is not None: # get the global and local parameters from config global_params = {key: config[key] for key in config if "." not in key} local_params = {key: config[key] for key in config if key not in global_params} cfg._set_global_param_for_plots(global_params) cfg._set_local_param_for_plots(local_params) cfg._check_and_correct_params_for_plots() return cfg