Source code for dataprep.connector.info_ui

"""This module handles displaying information on how to connect and query."""
from typing import Any, Dict
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader, select_autoescape
from ..utils import display_html

LOADER = PackageLoader("dataprep", "connector/assets")
ENV_LOADER = Environment(loader=LOADER, autoescape=select_autoescape("html"))

[docs]def info_ui(dbname: str, tbs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Fills out info.txt template file. Renders the template to an html file. Parameters ---------- dbname Name of the website tbs Table containing info to be displayed. """ template = ENV_LOADER.get_template("info.html") jinja_vars = {"dbname": dbname, "tbs": tbs} html_content = template.render(jinja_vars) display_html(html_content)