Source code for dataprep.connector.implicit_database

Module defines ImplicitDatabase and ImplicitTable,
where ImplicitDatabase is a conceptual model describes
a website and ImplicitTable describes an API endpoint.
from json import load as jload
from json import loads as jloads
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import pandas as pd
from jsonpath_ng import parse as jparse
from dataprep.connector.schema.defs import ConfigDef

from .schema import ConfigDef

    "int": int,
    "string": str,
    "float": float,
    "boolean": bool,
    "list": list,

[docs]class ImplicitTable: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """ImplicitTable class abstracts the request and the response to a Restful API, so that the remote API can be treated as a database table.""" name: str config: ConfigDef def __init__(self, name: str, config: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: = name self.config = ConfigDef(**config)
[docs] def from_response(self, payload: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a dataframe from a http body payload.""" ctype = self.config.response.ctype # pylint: disable=no-member if ctype == "application/json": rows = self.from_json(payload) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{ctype} not supported") return pd.DataFrame(rows)
[docs] def from_json(self, data: str) -> Dict[str, List[Any]]: """Create rows from json string.""" data = jloads(data) table_data = {} respdef = self.config.response table_expr = jparse(respdef.table_path) # pylint: disable=no-member if respdef.orient == "records": # pylint: disable=no-member data_rows = [match.value for match in table_expr.find(data)] for ( column_name, column_def, ) in respdef.schema_.items(): column_target = column_type = column_def.type target_matcher = jparse(column_target) col: List[Any] = [] for data_row in data_rows: maybe_cell_value = [m.value for m in target_matcher.find(data_row)] if not maybe_cell_value: # If no match col.append(None) elif len(maybe_cell_value) == 1 and column_type != "object": (cell_value,) = maybe_cell_value if cell_value is not None: # Even we have value matched, # the value might be None so we don't do type conversion. cell_value = _TYPE_MAPPING[column_type](cell_value) col.append(cell_value) else: assert ( column_type == "object" ), f"{column_name}: {maybe_cell_value} is not {column_type}" col.append(maybe_cell_value) table_data[column_name] = col else: # TODO: split orient raise NotImplementedError return table_data
[docs]class ImplicitDatabase: """ A website that provides data can be treat as a database, represented as ImplicitDatabase in DataConnector. """ name: str tables: Dict[str, ImplicitTable] def __init__(self, config_path: Union[str, Path]) -> None: path = Path(config_path) = self.tables = {} for table_config_path in path.iterdir(): if not table_config_path.is_file(): # ignore configs that are not file continue if == "_meta.json": # ignore meta file continue if table_config_path.suffix != ".json": # ignote non json file continue with open(table_config_path) as f: table_config = jload(f) table = ImplicitTable(table_config_path.stem, table_config) if in self.tables: raise RuntimeError(f"Duplicated table name {}") self.tables[] = table