Source code for dataprep.clean.clean_ml

Implement clean_ml function

# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals, too-many-branches
from typing import Union, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, Any

import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
from .pipeline import Pipeline
from .utils import to_dask, NULL_VALUES

[docs]def clean_ml( training_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], test_df: Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], target: str = "target", cat_imputation: str = "constant", cat_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, fill_val: str = "missing_value", num_imputation: str = "mean", num_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, cat_encoding: str = "one_hot", variance_threshold: bool = False, variance: float = 0.0, num_scaling: str = "standardize", include_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, customized_cat_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, customized_num_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]: """ This function transforms an arbitrary tabular dataset into a format that's suitable for a typical ML application. Parameters ---------- training_df Training dataframe. Pandas or Dask DataFrame. test_df Test dataframe. Pandas or Dask DataFrame. target Name of target column. String. cat_imputation The mode of imputation for categorical columns. If it equals to "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all categorical columns with missing values will be dropped. cat_null_value Specified categorical null values which should be recognized. fill_val When cat_imputation = "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. num_imputation The mode of imputation for numerical columns. If it equals to "mean", then all missing values are filled with mean value. If it equals to "median", then all missing values are filled with median value. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all numerical columns with missing values will be dropped. num_null_value Specified numerical null values which should be recognized. cat_encoding The mode of encoding categorical columns. If it equals to "one_hot", do one-hot encoding. If it equals to "no_encoding", nothing will be done. variance_threshold If it is True, then dropping numerical columns with variance less than `variance`. variance Variance value when variance_threshold = True. num_scaling The mode of scaling for numerical columns. If it equals to "standardize", do standardize for all numerical columns. If it equals to "minmax", do minmax scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "maxabs", do maxabs scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "no_scaling", nothing will be done. include_operators Components included for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. exclude_operators Components excluded for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. """ if cat_null_value is None: cat_null_value = list(NULL_VALUES) if num_null_value is None: num_null_value = list(NULL_VALUES) training_df = to_dask(training_df) test_df = to_dask(test_df) col_names = [] for label, _ in training_df.items(): # doctest: +SKIP col_names.append(label) for col_name in col_names: if col_name == target: continue if not customized_cat_pipeline is None and customized_num_pipeline is None: temp_training_df, temp_test_df = format_data_with_customized_cat( training_df[col_name].compute(), test_df[col_name].compute(), num_imputation, num_null_value, variance_threshold, variance, num_scaling, include_operators, exclude_operators, customized_cat_pipeline, ) elif customized_cat_pipeline is None and not customized_num_pipeline is None: temp_training_df, temp_test_df = format_data_with_customized_num( training_df[col_name].compute(), test_df[col_name].compute(), cat_imputation, cat_null_value, fill_val, cat_encoding, include_operators, exclude_operators, customized_num_pipeline, ) elif customized_cat_pipeline is None and customized_num_pipeline is None: temp_training_df, temp_test_df = format_data_with_default( training_df[col_name].compute(), test_df[col_name].compute(), cat_imputation, cat_null_value, fill_val, num_imputation, num_null_value, cat_encoding, variance_threshold, variance, num_scaling, include_operators, exclude_operators, ) elif not customized_cat_pipeline is None and not customized_num_pipeline is None: temp_training_df, temp_test_df = format_data_with_customized_cat_and_num( training_df[col_name].compute(), test_df[col_name].compute(), include_operators, exclude_operators, customized_cat_pipeline, customized_num_pipeline, ) if temp_training_df.values.size > 0: training_df[col_name] = temp_training_df test_df[col_name] = temp_test_df else: training_df = training_df.drop(columns=[col_name]) test_df = test_df.drop(columns=[col_name]) return training_df.compute(), test_df.compute()
[docs]def format_data_with_customized_cat( training_row: dd.Series, test_row: dd.Series, num_imputation: str = "mean", num_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, variance_threshold: bool = False, variance: float = 0.0, num_scaling: str = "standardize", include_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, customized_cat_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[dd.Series, dd.Series]: """ This function transforms an arbitrary tabular dataset into a format that's suitable for a typical ML application. Customized categorical pipeline and related parameters should be provided by users Parameters ---------- training_row One column of training dataset. Dask Series. test_row One column of test dataset. Dask Series. num_imputation The mode of imputation for numerical columns. If it equals to "mean", then all missing values are filled with mean value. If it equals to "median", then all missing values are filled with median value. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all numerical columns with missing values will be dropped. num_null_value Specified numerical null values which should be recognized. variance_threshold If it is True, then dropping numerical columns with variance less than `variance`. variance Variance value when variance_threshold = True. num_scaling The mode of scaling for numerical columns. If it equals to "standardize", do standardize for all numerical columns. If it equals to "minmax", do minmax scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "maxabs", do maxabs scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "no_scaling", nothing will be done. include_operators Components included for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. exclude_operators Components excluded for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. customized_cat_pipeline User-specified pipeline managing categorical columns. """ cat_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} cat_pipeline = [] if not customized_cat_pipeline is None: for item in customized_cat_pipeline: (component_key,) = item cat_pipeline.append(component_key) cat_pipe_info["cat_pipeline"] = cat_pipeline for item in customized_cat_pipeline: (component_key,) = item if ( not exclude_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] in exclude_operators ) or ( not include_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info[component_key] = None continue for key in item[component_key]: if key == "operator": cat_pipe_info[component_key] = item[component_key][key] else: cat_pipe_info[key] = item[component_key][key] num_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} if variance_threshold: num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = [ "num_imputation", "variance_threshold", "num_scaling", ] num_pipe_info["variance_threshold"] = variance_threshold num_pipe_info["variance"] = variance else: num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = ["num_imputation", "num_scaling"] if (not exclude_operators is None and num_imputation in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and num_imputation not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info["num_imputation"] = None num_pipe_info["num_null_value"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_imputation"] = num_imputation num_pipe_info["num_null_value"] = num_null_value if (not exclude_operators is None and num_scaling in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and num_scaling not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = num_scaling if num_scaling == "no_scaling": num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = num_scaling clean_pipeline = Pipeline(cat_pipe_info, num_pipe_info) training_result, test_result = clean_pipeline.fit_transform(training_row, test_row) return training_result, test_result
[docs]def format_data_with_customized_num( training_row: dd.Series, test_row: dd.Series, cat_imputation: str = "constant", cat_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, fill_val: str = "missing_value", cat_encoding: str = "one_hot", include_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, customized_num_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[dd.Series, dd.Series]: """ This function transforms an arbitrary tabular dataset into a format that's suitable for a typical ML application. Customized numerical pipeline and related parameters should be provided by users Parameters ---------- training_row One column of training dataset. Dask Series. test_row One column of test dataset. Dask Series. cat_imputation The mode of imputation for categorical columns. If it equals to "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all categorical columns with missing values will be dropped. cat_null_value Specified categorical null values which should be recognized. fill_val When cat_imputation = "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. cat_encoding The mode of encoding categorical columns. If it equals to "one_hot", do one-hot encoding. If it equals to "no_encoding", nothing will be done. include_operators Components included for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. exclude_operators Components excluded for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. customized_num_pipeline User-specified pipeline managing numerical columns. """ cat_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} cat_pipe_info["cat_pipeline"] = ["cat_imputation", "cat_encoding"] # cat_pipe_info['cat_pipeline'] = ['cat_imputation'] if (not exclude_operators is None and cat_imputation in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and cat_imputation not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info["cat_imputation"] = None cat_pipe_info["cat_null_value"] = None cat_pipe_info["fill_val"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_imputation"] = cat_imputation cat_pipe_info["cat_null_value"] = cat_null_value cat_pipe_info["fill_val"] = fill_val if (not exclude_operators is None and cat_encoding in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and cat_encoding not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = cat_encoding if cat_encoding == "no_encoding": cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = cat_encoding num_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} num_pipeline = [] if not customized_num_pipeline is None: for item in customized_num_pipeline: (component_key,) = item num_pipeline.append(component_key) num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = num_pipeline for item in customized_num_pipeline: (component_key,) = item if ( not exclude_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] in exclude_operators ) or ( not include_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info[component_key] = None continue for key in item[component_key]: if key == "operator": num_pipe_info[component_key] = item[component_key][key] else: num_pipe_info[key] = item[component_key][key] clean_pipeline = Pipeline(cat_pipe_info, num_pipe_info) training_result, test_result = clean_pipeline.fit_transform(training_row, test_row) return training_result, test_result
[docs]def format_data_with_default( training_row: dd.Series, test_row: dd.Series, cat_imputation: str = "constant", cat_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, fill_val: str = "missing_value", num_imputation: str = "mean", num_null_value: Optional[List[Any]] = None, cat_encoding: str = "one_hot", variance_threshold: bool = True, variance: float = 0.0, num_scaling: str = "standardize", include_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> Tuple[dd.Series, dd.Series]: """ This function transforms an arbitrary tabular dataset into a format that's suitable for a typical ML application. No customized pipeline should be provided. Use default pipeline. Parameters ---------- training_row One column of training dataset. Dask Series. test_row One column of test dataset. Dask Series. cat_imputation The mode of imputation for categorical columns. If it equals to "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all categorical columns with missing values will be dropped. cat_null_value Specified categorical null values which should be recognized. fill_val When cat_imputation = "constant", then all missing values are filled with `fill_val`. num_imputation The mode of imputation for numerical columns. If it equals to "mean", then all missing values are filled with mean value. If it equals to "median", then all missing values are filled with median value. If it equals to "most_frequent", then all missing values are filled with most frequent value. If it equals to "drop", then all numerical columns with missing values will be dropped. num_null_value Specified numerical null values which should be recognized. cat_encoding The mode of encoding categorical columns. If it equals to "one_hot", do one-hot encoding. If it equals to "no_encoding", nothing will be done. variance_threshold If it is True, then dropping numerical columns with variance less than `variance`. variance Variance value when variance_threshold = True. num_scaling The mode of scaling for numerical columns. If it equals to "standardize", do standardize for all numerical columns. If it equals to "minmax", do minmax scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "maxabs", do maxabs scaling for all numerical columns. If it equals to "no_scaling", nothing will be done. include_operators Components included for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. exclude_operators Components excluded for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. """ cat_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} cat_pipe_info["cat_pipeline"] = ["cat_imputation", "cat_encoding"] # cat_pipe_info['cat_pipeline'] = ['cat_imputation'] if (not exclude_operators is None and cat_imputation in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and cat_imputation not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info["cat_imputation"] = None cat_pipe_info["cat_null_value"] = None cat_pipe_info["fill_val"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_imputation"] = cat_imputation cat_pipe_info["cat_null_value"] = cat_null_value cat_pipe_info["fill_val"] = fill_val if (not exclude_operators is None and cat_encoding in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and cat_encoding not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = cat_encoding if cat_encoding == "no_encoding": cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = None else: cat_pipe_info["cat_encoding"] = cat_encoding num_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} if variance_threshold: num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = [ "num_imputation", "variance_threshold", "num_scaling", ] num_pipe_info["variance_threshold"] = variance_threshold num_pipe_info["variance"] = variance else: num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = ["num_imputation", "num_scaling"] # num_pipe_info['num_pipeline'] = ['num_imputation', 'num_scaling'] if (not exclude_operators is None and num_imputation in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and num_imputation not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info["num_imputation"] = None num_pipe_info["num_null_value"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_imputation"] = num_imputation num_pipe_info["num_null_value"] = num_null_value if (not exclude_operators is None and num_scaling in exclude_operators) or ( not include_operators is None and num_scaling not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = num_scaling if num_scaling == "no_scaling": num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = None else: num_pipe_info["num_scaling"] = num_scaling clean_pipeline = Pipeline(cat_pipe_info, num_pipe_info) training_result, test_result = clean_pipeline.fit_transform(training_row, test_row) return training_result, test_result
[docs]def format_data_with_customized_cat_and_num( training_row: dd.Series, test_row: dd.Series, include_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, exclude_operators: Optional[List[str]] = None, customized_cat_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, customized_num_pipeline: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> Tuple[dd.Series, dd.Series]: """ This function transforms an arbitrary tabular dataset into a format that's suitable for a typical ML application. Both customized pipeline managing categorical columns and numerical columns should be provided. Parameters ---------- training_row One column of training dataset. Dask Series. test_row One column of test dataset. Dask Series. include_operators Components included for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. exclude_operators Components excluded for `clean_ml`, like "one_hot", "standardize", etc. customized_cat_pipeline User-specified pipeline managing categorical columns. customized_num_pipeline User-specified pipeline managing numerical columns. """ cat_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} cat_pipeline = [] if not customized_cat_pipeline is None: for item in customized_cat_pipeline: (component_key,) = item cat_pipeline.append(component_key) cat_pipe_info["cat_pipeline"] = cat_pipeline for item in customized_cat_pipeline: (component_key,) = item if ( not exclude_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] in exclude_operators ) or ( not include_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] not in include_operators ): cat_pipe_info[component_key] = None continue for key in item[component_key]: if key == "operator": cat_pipe_info[component_key] = item[component_key][key] else: cat_pipe_info[key] = item[component_key][key] num_pipe_info: Dict[str, Any] = {} num_pipeline = [] if not customized_num_pipeline is None: for item in customized_num_pipeline: (component_key,) = item num_pipeline.append(component_key) num_pipe_info["num_pipeline"] = num_pipeline for item in customized_num_pipeline: (component_key,) = item if ( not exclude_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] in exclude_operators ) or ( not include_operators is None and item[component_key]["operator"] not in include_operators ): num_pipe_info[component_key] = None continue for key in item[component_key]: if key == "operator": num_pipe_info[component_key] = item[component_key][key] else: num_pipe_info[key] = item[component_key][key] clean_pipeline = Pipeline(cat_pipe_info, num_pipe_info) training_result, test_result = clean_pipeline.fit_transform(training_row, test_row) return training_result, test_result