Source code for dataprep.clean.clean_lat_long

Clean and validate a DataFrame column containing geographic coordinates.
import re
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple, Union

import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..progress_bar import ProgressBar
from .utils import NULL_VALUES, create_report_new, to_dask

LAT_LONG_PATTERN = re.compile(
      (?P<dir_front>[NS])?[ ]*
        (?P<deg>-?%(FLOAT)s)(?:[%(DEGREE)sD\*\u00B0\s][ ]*
        (?:(?P<min>%(FLOAT)s)[%(PRIME)s'm]?[ ]*)?
        (?:(?P<sec>%(FLOAT)s)[%(DOUBLE_PRIME)s"s][ ]*)?
      (?P<dir_front2>[EW])?[ ]*
        (?P<deg2>-?%(FLOAT)s)(?:[%(DEGREE)sD\*\u00B0\s][ ]*
        (?:(?P<min2>%(FLOAT)s)[%(PRIME)s'm]?[ ]*)?
        (?:(?P<sec2>%(FLOAT)s)[%(DOUBLE_PRIME)s"s][ ]*)?
    % {
        "FLOAT": r"\d+(?:\.\d+)?",
        "DEGREE": chr(176),
        "PRIME": chr(8242),
        "DOUBLE_PRIME": chr(8243),
    re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE,

LAT_PATTERN = re.compile(
      (?P<dir_front>[NS])?[ ]*
        (?P<deg>-?%(FLOAT)s)(?:[%(DEGREE)sD\*\u00B0\s][ ]*
        (?:(?P<min>%(FLOAT)s)[%(PRIME)s'm]?[ ]*)?
        (?:(?P<sec>%(FLOAT)s)[%(DOUBLE_PRIME)s"s][ ]*)?
    % {
        "FLOAT": r"\d+(?:\.\d+)?",
        "DEGREE": chr(176),
        "PRIME": chr(8242),
        "DOUBLE_PRIME": chr(8243),
    re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE,

LONG_PATTERN = re.compile(
      (?P<dir_front>[EW])?[ ]*
        (?P<deg>-?%(FLOAT)s)(?:[%(DEGREE)sD\*\u00B0\s][ ]*
        (?:(?P<min>%(FLOAT)s)[%(PRIME)s'm]?[ ]*)?
        (?:(?P<sec>%(FLOAT)s)[%(DOUBLE_PRIME)s"s][ ]*)?
    % {
        "FLOAT": r"\d+(?:\.\d+)?",
        "DEGREE": chr(176),
        "PRIME": chr(8242),
        "DOUBLE_PRIME": chr(8243),
    re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE,

[docs]def clean_lat_long( df: Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], lat_long: Optional[str] = None, *, lat_col: Optional[str] = None, long_col: Optional[str] = None, output_format: str = "dd", split: bool = False, inplace: bool = False, errors: str = "coerce", report: bool = True, progress: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Clean and standardize latitude and longitude coordinates. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <clean_lat_long_user_guide>`. Parameters ---------- df A pandas or Dask DataFrame containing the data to be cleaned. lat_long The name of the column containing latitude and longitude coordinates. lat_col The name of the column containing latitude coordinates. If specified, the parameter lat_long must be None. long_col The name of the column containing longitude coordinates. If specified, the parameter lat_long must be None. output_format The desired format of the coordinates. - 'dd': decimal degrees (51.4934, 0.0098) - 'ddh': decimal degrees with hemisphere ('51.4934° N, 0.0098° E') - 'dm': degrees minutes ('51° 29.604′ N, 0° 0.588′ E') - 'dms': degrees minutes seconds ('51° 29′ 36.24″ N, 0° 0′ 35.28″ E') (default: 'dd') split If True, split the latitude and longitude coordinates into one column for latitude and a separate column for longitude. Otherwise, merge the latitude and longitude coordinates into one column. (default: False) inplace If True, delete the column(s) containing the data that was cleaned. Otherwise, keep the original column(s). (default: False) errors How to handle parsing errors. - ‘coerce’: invalid parsing will be set to NaN. - ‘ignore’: invalid parsing will return the input. - ‘raise’: invalid parsing will raise an exception. (default: 'coerce') report If True, output the summary report. Otherwise, no report is outputted. (default: True) progress If True, display a progress bar. (default: True) Examples -------- Split a column containing latitude and longitude strings into separate columns in decimal degrees format. >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'coord': ['51° 29′ 36.24″ N, 0° 0′ 35.28″ E', '51.4934° N, 0.0098° E']}) >>> clean_lat_long(df, 'coord', split=True) Latitude and Longitude Cleaning Report: 2 values cleaned (100.0%) Result contains 2 (100.0%) values in the correct format and 0 null values (0.0%) coord latitude longitude 0 51° 29′ 36.24″ N, 0° 0′ 35.28″ E 51.4934 0.0098 1 51.4934° N, 0.0098° E 51.4934 0.0098 """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if lat_long and (lat_col or long_col): raise ValueError("lat_long must be None if either lat_col or long_col is not None") if output_format not in {"dd", "ddh", "dm", "dms"}: raise ValueError( f'output_format {output_format} is invalid, it must be "dd", "ddh", "dm", or "dms"' ) # convert to dask df = to_dask(df) # To clean, create a new column "clean_code_tup" which contains # the cleaned values and code indicating how the initial value was # changed in a tuple. Then split the column of tuples and count the # amount of different codes to produce the report if lat_long: # clean a latitude and longitude column df["clean_code_tup"] = df[lat_long].map_partitions( lambda srs: [_format_lat_long(x, output_format, split, errors) for x in srs], meta=object, ) if split: df = df.assign( latitude=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(0)), longitude=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(1)), _code_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(2)), ) else: df = df.assign( _temp_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(0)), _code_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(1)), ) df = df.rename(columns={"_temp_": f"{lat_long}_clean"}) if inplace: df = df.drop(columns=lat_long) else: # clean a latitude column if lat_col: df["clean_code_tup"] = df[lat_col].map_partitions( lambda srs: [_format_lat_or_long(x, output_format, errors, "lat") for x in srs], meta=object, ) df = df.assign( _temp_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(0)), _code_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(1)), ) df = df.rename(columns={"_temp_": f"{lat_col}_clean"}) if inplace: df = df.drop(columns=lat_col) # clean a longitude column if long_col: df["clean_code_tup"] = df[long_col].map_partitions( lambda srs: [_format_lat_or_long(x, output_format, errors, "long") for x in srs], meta=object, ) df = df.assign( _temp_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(0)), _code_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(1)), ) df = df.rename(columns={"_temp_": f"{long_col}_clean"}) if inplace: df = df.drop(columns=long_col) # merge the cleaned latitude and longitude if lat_col and long_col and not split: if output_format == "dd": df["latitude_longitude"] = df[[f"{lat_col}_clean", f"{long_col}_clean"]].apply( tuple, axis=1, meta=object ) else: df["latitude_longitude"] = df[f"{lat_col}_clean"] + ", " + df[f"{long_col}_clean"] # if seperate lat and long columns are merged, then all values are "cleaned" df["_code_"] = 2 df = df.drop(columns=[f"{lat_col}_clean", f"{long_col}_clean"]) # counts of codes indicating how values were changed stats = df["_code_"].value_counts(sort=False) df = df.drop(columns=["clean_code_tup", "_code_"]) with ProgressBar(minimum=1, disable=not progress): df, stats = dask.compute(df, stats) # output a report describing the result of clean_lat_long if report: create_report_new("Latitude and Longitude", stats, errors) return df
[docs]def validate_lat_long( x: Union[pd.Series, str, float, Tuple[float, float]], *, lat_long: bool = True, lat: bool = False, lon: bool = False, ) -> Union[bool, pd.Series]: """ Validate latitude and longitude coordinates. Read more in the :ref:`User Guide <clean_lat_long_user_guide>`. Parameters ---------- x A pandas Series, string, float, or tuple of floats, containing the latitude and/or longitude coordinates to be validated. lat_long If True, valid values contain latitude and longitude coordinates. Parameters lat and lon must be False if lat_long is True. (default: True) lat If True, valid values contain only latitude coordinates. Parameters lat_long and lon must be False if lat is True. (default: False) lon If True, valid values contain only longitude coordinates. Parameters lat_long and lat must be False if lon is True. (default: False) Examples -------- Validate a coordinate string or series of coordinates. >>> validate_lat_long('51° 29′ 36.24″ N, 0° 0′ 35.28″ E') True >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'coordinates', ['51° 29′ 36.24″ N, 0° 0′ 35.28″ E', 'NaN']}) >>> validate_lat_long(df['coordinates']) 0 True 1 False Name: coordinates, dtype: bool """ if lat or lon: hor_dir = "lat" if lat else "long" if isinstance(x, pd.Series): return x.apply(_check_lat_or_long, args=(False, hor_dir)) return _check_lat_or_long(x, False, hor_dir) elif lat_long: if isinstance(x, pd.Series): return x.apply(_check_lat_long, args=(False,)) return _check_lat_long(x, False) return None
def _format_lat_long(val: Any, output_format: str, split: bool, errors: str) -> Any: """ Function to transform a coordinate instance into the desired format The last component of the returned tuple contains a code indicating how the input value was changed: 0 := the value is null 1 := the value could not be parsed 2 := the value is cleaned and the cleaned value is DIFFERENT than the input value 3 := the value is cleaned and is THE SAME as the input value (no transformation) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # _check_lat_long parses the value val, and will return the components # if the parse is succesful. The returned value "status" can be either 0 ie # "null" (which means val is a null value), 1 ie ("unkwonw") (in which case # val could not be parsed) or 2 ie "success" (a succesful parse of val). # dds, mins, secs, hem are the latitude components and # dds2, mins2, secs2, hem2 # are the longitude components dds, mins, secs, hem, dds2, mins2, secs2, hem2, status = _check_lat_long(val, True) if status == 0: # val is a null value return (np.nan, np.nan, 0) if split else (np.nan, 0) if status == 1: # val contains an unknown value if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(f"unable to parse value {val}") result = val if errors == "ignore" else np.nan return (result, np.nan, 1) if split else (result, 1) # derive the hemisphere if not given in the initial coordinate if not hem: hem = "N" if dds >= 0 else "S" if not hem2: hem2 = "E" if dds2 >= 0 else "W" dds, dds2 = abs(dds), abs(dds2) # the following code if/elif blocks converts the # coordinate components to the desired output # if output_format == "dd": fctr = -1 if hem == "S" else 1 fctr2 = -1 if hem2 == "W" else 1 lat, lon = round(fctr * dds, 4), round(fctr2 * dds2, 4) elif output_format == "ddh": lat = f"{round(dds, 4)}{chr(176)} {hem}" lon = f"{round(dds2, 4)}{chr(176)} {hem2}" elif output_format == "dm": mins = round(60 * (dds - int(dds)), 4) mins = int(mins) if mins.is_integer() else mins mins2 = round(60 * (dds2 - int(dds2)), 4) mins2 = int(mins2) if mins2.is_integer() else mins2 lat = f"{int(dds)}{chr(176)} {mins}{chr(8242)} {hem}" lon = f"{int(dds2)}{chr(176)} {mins2}{chr(8242)} {hem2}" elif output_format == "dms": mins = int(60 * (dds - int(dds))) secs = round(3600 * (dds - int(dds)) - 60 * mins, 4) secs = int(secs) if secs.is_integer() else secs mins2 = int(60 * (dds2 - int(dds2))) secs2 = round(3600 * (dds2 - int(dds2)) - 60 * mins2, 4) secs2 = int(secs2) if secs2.is_integer() else secs2 lat = f"{int(dds)}{chr(176)} {mins}{chr(8242)} {secs}{chr(8243)} {hem}" lon = f"{int(dds2)}{chr(176)} {mins2}{chr(8242)} {secs2}{chr(8243)} {hem2}" if split: return lat, lon, 2 result = (lat, lon) if output_format == "dd" else f"{lat}, {lon}" return result, 2 if val != result else 3 def _check_lat_long(val: Any, clean: bool) -> Any: """ Function to check if a coordinate instance is valid """ # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions # if the value is null, return empty strings for the components # and the code 0 to indicate a null status if val in NULL_VALUES: return (None,) * 8 + (0,) if clean else False mch = re.match(LAT_LONG_PATTERN, re.sub(r"''", r'"', str(val))) # check if the value was able to be parsed if not mch: return (None,) * 8 + (1,) if clean else False if not"deg") or not"deg2"): return (None,) * 8 + (1,) if clean else False # coordinates for latitude mins = float("min")) if"min") else 0 secs = float("sec")) if"sec") else 0 dds = float("deg")) + mins / 60 + secs / 3600 hem ="dir_back") or"dir_front") # coordinates for longitude mins2 = float("min2")) if"min2") else 0 secs2 = float("sec2")) if"sec2") else 0 dds2 = float("deg2")) + mins2 / 60 + secs2 / 3600 hem2 ="dir_back2") or"dir_front2") # minutes and seconds need to be in the interval [0, 60) # for degrees: # if hemisphere is given, then 0<=lat<=90 and 0<=long<=180 # if hemisphere is not given, then -90<=lat<=90 and -180<=long<=180 # decimal degrees must be -90<=lat<=90 and -180<=long<=180 # the first given hemisphere and last hemisphere cannot both be set if ( not 0 <= mins < 60 or not 0 <= mins2 < 60 or not 0 <= secs < 60 or not 0 <= secs2 < 60 or hem and not 0 <= float("deg")) <= 90 or hem2 and not 0 <= float("deg2")) <= 180 or not hem and abs(float("deg"))) > 90 or not hem2 and abs(float("deg2"))) > 180 or abs(dds) > 90 or abs(dds2) > 180 or sum(["dir_back") is not None,"dir_front") is not None]) > 1 or sum(["dir_back2") is not None,"dir_front2") is not None]) > 1 ): return (None,) * 8 + (1,) if clean else False return (dds, mins, secs, hem, dds2, mins2, secs2, hem2, 2) if clean else True def _format_lat_or_long(val: Any, output_format: str, errors: str, hor_dir: str) -> Any: """ Function to transform a coordinate instance into the desired format """ dds, mins, secs, hem, status = _check_lat_or_long(val, True, hor_dir) if status == 0: # val contains a null value return np.nan, 0 if status == 1: # val contains an unknown value if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(f"unable to parse value {val}") return val if errors == "ignore" else np.nan, 1 if not hem: if hor_dir == "lat": hem = "N" if dds >= 0 else "S" else: hem = "E" if dds >= 0 else "W" dds = abs(dds) if output_format == "dd": fctr = 1 if hem in {"N", "E"} else -1 res = round(fctr * dds, 4) if output_format == "ddh": res = f"{round(dds, 4)}{chr(176)} {hem}" elif output_format == "dm": mins = round(60 * (dds - int(dds)), 4) mins = int(mins) if mins.is_integer() else mins res = f"{int(dds)}{chr(176)} {mins}{chr(8242)} {hem}" elif output_format == "dms": mins = int(60 * (dds - int(dds))) secs = round(3600 * (dds - int(dds)) - 60 * mins, 4) secs = int(secs) if secs.is_integer() else secs res = f"{int(dds)}{chr(176)} {mins}{chr(8242)} {secs}{chr(8243)} {hem}" return res, 2 if val != res else 3 def _check_lat_or_long(val: Any, clean: bool, hor_dir: str) -> Any: """ Function to check if a coordinate instance is valid """ # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if val in NULL_VALUES: return (None,) * 4 + (0,) if clean else False pat = LAT_PATTERN if hor_dir == "lat" else LONG_PATTERN mch = re.match(pat, re.sub(r"''", r'"', str(val))) if not mch: return (None,) * 4 + (1,) if clean else False if not"deg"): return (None,) * 4 + (1,) if clean else False # coordinates mins = float("min")) if"min") else 0 secs = float("sec")) if"sec") else 0 dds = float("deg")) + mins / 60 + secs / 3600 hem ="dir_back") or"dir_front") # range is [-90, 90] for latitude and [-180, 180] for longitude bound = 90 if hor_dir == "lat" else 180 # minutes and seconds need to be in the interval [0, 60) # for degrees: # if hemisphere is give, then 0<=deg<=bound # if hemisphere is not given, then -bound<=deg<=bound # decimal degrees must be -bound<=lat<=bound # the first given hemisphere and last hemisphere cannot both be set if ( not 0 <= mins < 60 or not 0 <= secs < 60 or hem and not 0 <= float("deg")) <= bound or not hem and abs(float("deg"))) > bound or abs(dds) > bound or sum(["dir_back") is not None,"dir_front") is not None]) > 1 ): return (None,) * 4 + (1,) if clean else False return (dds, mins, secs, hem, 2) if clean else True