Source code for dataprep.clean.clean_date

Clean and validate a DataFrame column containing dates and times.
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import timedelta
from operator import itemgetter
from typing import Any, List, Tuple, Union, Optional

import dask
import dask.dataframe as dd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from pytz import all_timezones

from ..progress_bar import ProgressBar
from .clean_date_utils import (
from .utils import create_report_new, to_dask

[docs]def clean_date( df: Union[pd.DataFrame, dd.DataFrame], column: str, output_format: str = "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss", input_timezone: str = "UTC", output_timezone: str = "", fix_missing: str = "minimum", infer_day_first: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, errors: str = "coerce", report: bool = True, progress: bool = True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Clean and standardize dates and times. Parameters ---------- df A pandas or Dask DataFrame containing the data to be cleaned. column The name of the column containing dates. output_format The desired format of the date. (default: 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss') input_timezone Time zone of the input date. (default: 'UTC') output_timezone The desired time zone of the date. (default: '') fix_missing Specify how to fill missing components of a date value. - 'minimum': fill hours, minutes, seconds with zeros, and month, day, year with \ January 1st, 2000. - 'current': fill with the current date and time. - 'empty': don't fill missing components. (default: 'minimum') infer_day_first If True, the program will infer the ambiguous format '09-10-03' and '25-09-03' according \ to '25-09-03' (day is the number of first position). The result should be '2003-10-09' and \ '2003-09-25'. If False, do nothing of inferring. The result should be '2003-09-10' and '2003-09-25'. (default: False) inplace If True, delete the column containing the data that was cleaned. Otherwise, keep the original column. (default: False) errors How to handle parsing errors. - ‘coerce’: invalid parsing will be set to NaN. - ‘ignore’: invalid parsing will return the input. - ‘raise’: invalid parsing will raise an exception. (default: 'coerce') report If True, output the summary report. Otherwise, no report is outputted. (default: True) progress If True, display a progress bar. (default: True) Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['Thu Sep 25 2003', 'Thu 10:36:28', '2003 09 25']}) >>> clean_date(df, 'date') Dates Cleaning Report: 3 values cleaned (100.0%) Result contains 3 (100.0%) values in the correct format and 0 null values (0.0%) date date_clean 0 Thu Sep 25 2003 2003-09-25 00:00:00 1 Thu 10:36:28 2000-01-01 10:36:28 2 2003 09 25 2003-09-25 00:00:00 """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments if fix_missing not in {"minimum", "current", "empty"}: raise ValueError( f"fix_missing {fix_missing} is invalid. " 'It needs to be "minimum", "current" or "empty".' ) if input_timezone not in all_timezones and input_timezone not in ZONE: raise ValueError(f"origin_timezone {input_timezone} does not exist") if ( output_timezone not in all_timezones and output_timezone not in ZONE and output_timezone != "" ): raise ValueError(f"output_timezone {output_timezone} is invalid.") # convert to dask df = to_dask(df) is_day_first = None if infer_day_first: is_day_first = _is_day_first(df[column]) else: is_day_first = False # To clean, create a new column "clean_code_tup" which contains # the cleaned values and code indicating how the initial value was # changed in a tuple. Then split the column of tuples and count the # amount of different codes to produce the report df["clean_code_tup"] = df[column].map_partitions( lambda srs: [ _format_date( x, output_format, input_timezone, output_timezone, fix_missing, is_day_first, errors ) for x in srs ], meta=object, ) df = df.assign( _temp_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(0)), _code_=df["clean_code_tup"].map(itemgetter(1)), ) df = df.rename(columns={"_temp_": f"{column}_clean"}) # counts of codes indicating how values were changed stats = df["_code_"].value_counts(sort=False) df = df.drop(columns=["clean_code_tup", "_code_"]) if inplace: df = df.drop(columns=column) with ProgressBar(minimum=1, disable=not progress): df, stats = dask.compute(df, stats) # output a report describing the result of clean_country if report: create_report_new("Dates", stats, errors) return df
[docs]def validate_date(date: Union[str, pd.Series]) -> Union[bool, pd.Series]: """ Validate dates and times. Parameters ---------- date pandas Series of dates or a date string Examples -------- >>> validate_date('3rd of May 2001') True >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'date': ['2003/09/25', 'This is Sep.']}) >>> validate_date(df['date']) 0 True 1 False Name: date, dtype: bool """ if isinstance(date, pd.Series): return date.apply(check_date, args=(False,)) return check_date(date, False)
def _is_day_first(date: Union[str, dd.Series]) -> Optional[bool]: """ Inferring if the first number of ambiguous string is the day. Parameters ---------- date pandas Series of dates or a date string """ if isinstance(date, dd.Series): judge_col = date.apply(_check_is_day_first, meta=object) return True in judge_col.unique() return _check_is_day_first(date) def _check_is_day_first(val: Any) -> Optional[bool]: """ Inferring if the first number of ambiguous string is the day. Parameters ---------- val date string """ date = str(val) is_day_first = None status = check_date(date, True) if status == "null": return is_day_first elif status == "unknown": return is_day_first else: tokens = split(date, JUMP) _, _, is_day_first = _ensure_ymd(tokens, None) return is_day_first def _format_date( val: Any, output_format: str, input_timezone: str, output_timezone: str, fix_missing: str, is_day_first: Optional[bool], errors: str, ) -> Tuple[Any, int]: """ This function cleans date string. Parameters ---------- df, col, target_format, tz_info, fix_missing same as explained in clean_date function """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments date = str(val) status = check_date(date, True) if status == "null": return np.nan, 0 elif status == "unknown": if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(f"unable to parse value {val}") return val if errors == "ignore" else np.nan, 1 else: # Handle date data and timezone parsed_date_data = _parse(date, fix_missing, is_day_first) parsed_date_data.set_tzinfo(timezone=input_timezone) parsed_date_data = _set_parseddate_timezone_offset(input_timezone, parsed_date_data) # Handle target format and timezone parsed_output_format_data = _check_output_format(output_format) parsed_output_format_data = _set_parsedtargetformat_timezone_offset( output_timezone, parsed_output_format_data ) if parsed_output_format_data.valid: if parsed_date_data.valid == "cleaned": transformed_date = _transform( parsed_date_data, parsed_output_format_data, output_format, output_timezone ) return transformed_date, 2 if val != transformed_date else 3 else: if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(f"unable to parse value {val}") return val if errors == "ignore" else np.nan, 1 else: raise ValueError( f"output_format {output_format} is invalid. " f"Invalid tokens are {parsed_output_format_data.invalid_tokens}." ) def _set_parseddate_timezone_offset(timezone: str, parsed_data: ParsedDate) -> ParsedDate: """ This function set timezone information for parsed date or parsed target format Parameters ---------- timezone string name of timezone parsed_data parsed date or parsed target format """ example_date = datetime.datetime(2009, 9, 1) if timezone in all_timezones: days, seconds = 0, 0 pytz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone).utcoffset(example_date) if pytz_offset is not None: days = pytz_offset.days seconds = pytz_offset.seconds parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_hours=int(abs(days) * 24 + abs(seconds) / 3600)) parsed_data.set_tzinfo( utc_offset_minutes=int((abs(seconds) - (abs(seconds) / 3600) * 3600) / 60) ) if days >= 0 and seconds >= 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="+") elif days <= 0 and seconds < 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="-") elif timezone in ZONE: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_hours=abs(ZONE[timezone]), utc_offset_minutes=0) if ZONE[timezone] >= 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="+") elif ZONE[timezone] < 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="-") return parsed_data def _set_parsedtargetformat_timezone_offset( timezone: str, parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat ) -> ParsedTargetFormat: """ This function set timezone information for parsed date or parsed target format Parameters ---------- timezone string name of timezone parsed_data parsed date or parsed target format """ example_date = datetime.datetime(2009, 9, 1) if timezone in all_timezones: days, seconds = 0, 0 pytz_offset = pytz.timezone(timezone).utcoffset(example_date) if pytz_offset is not None: days = pytz_offset.days seconds = pytz_offset.seconds parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_hours=int(abs(days) * 24 + abs(seconds) / 3600)) parsed_data.set_tzinfo( utc_offset_minutes=int((abs(seconds) - (abs(seconds) / 3600) * 3600) / 60) ) if days >= 0 and seconds >= 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="+") elif days <= 0 and seconds < 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="-") elif timezone in ZONE: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_hours=abs(ZONE[timezone])) parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_minutes=0) if ZONE[timezone] >= 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="+") elif ZONE[timezone] < 0: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(utc_add="-") return parsed_data def _check_output_format(output_format: str) -> ParsedTargetFormat: """ This function check validation of output_format. Parameters ---------- output_format output_format string """ result = ParsedTargetFormat() target_tokens = split(output_format, JUMP) remain_tokens = deepcopy(target_tokens) # Handle Timezone result, remain_tokens = _figure_output_format_timezone(result, target_tokens, remain_tokens) # Handle year, month, day result, remain_tokens = _figure_output_format_ymd(result, target_tokens, remain_tokens) # Handle AM, PM with JUMP seperators result, remain_tokens = _figure_output_format_ampm(result, target_tokens, remain_tokens) # Handle hour, minute, second result, remain_tokens = _figure_output_format_hms(result, remain_tokens) # If len(remain_tokens) = 0, then is valid format if len(remain_tokens) > 0: result.set_valid(False) for token in remain_tokens: result.add_invalid_token(token) return result def _figure_output_format_timezone( parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat, target_tokens: List[str], remain_tokens: List[str], ) -> Tuple[ParsedTargetFormat, List[str]]: """ This function figure timezone token in target format Parameters ---------- parsed_data paresed target format target_tokens parsed target tokens remain_tokens remained tokens after figuring tokens """ for token in target_tokens: if token in all_timezones: parsed_data.set_tzinfo(timezone=token) remain_tokens.remove(token) for token in target_tokens: if token in ("z", "Z"): parsed_data.set_timezone_token(token) remain_tokens.remove(token) return parsed_data, remain_tokens def _figure_output_format_ymd( parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat, target_tokens: List[str], remain_tokens: List[str], ) -> Tuple[ParsedTargetFormat, List[str]]: """ This function figure year, month and day token in target format Parameters ---------- parsed_data paresed target format target_tokens parsed target tokens remain_tokens remained tokens after figuring tokens """ for token in target_tokens: if token in TARGET_YEAR: parsed_data.set_year_token(token) remain_tokens.remove(token) if token in TARGET_MONTH: parsed_data.set_month_token(token) remain_tokens.remove(token) if token in TARGET_DAY: parsed_data.set_day_token(token) remain_tokens.remove(token) if token in TARGET_WEEKDAY: parsed_data.set_weekday_token(token) remain_tokens.remove(token) return parsed_data, remain_tokens def _figure_output_format_ampm( parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat, target_tokens: List[str], remain_tokens: List[str], ) -> Tuple[ParsedTargetFormat, List[str]]: """ This function figure AM or PM token in target format Parameters ---------- parsed_data paresed target format target_tokens parsed target tokens remain_tokens remained tokens after figuring tokens """ for token in target_tokens: if token in AM: remain_tokens.remove(token) if token in PM: parsed_data.set_ispm(True) remain_tokens.remove(token) return parsed_data, remain_tokens def _figure_output_format_hms( parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat, remain_tokens: List[str] ) -> Tuple[ParsedTargetFormat, List[str]]: """ This function figure hour, minute and second token in target format Parameters ---------- parsed_data parsed target format remain_tokens remained tokens after figuring tokens """ if len(remain_tokens) > 0: remain_str = "" for token in remain_tokens: if ( not token in TARGET_MONTH and not token in TARGET_WEEKDAY and not token in AM and not token in PM ): remain_str = token parsed_data, hms_tokens = _get_output_format_hms_tokens(parsed_data, remain_str) for token in hms_tokens: if token in TARGET_HOUR: parsed_data.set_hour_token(token) if token in TARGET_MINUTE: parsed_data.set_minute_token(token) if token in TARGET_SECOND: parsed_data.set_second_token(token) if len(remain_str) > 0: remain_tokens.remove(remain_str) return parsed_data, remain_tokens def _get_output_format_hms_tokens( parsed_data: ParsedTargetFormat, remain_str: str ) -> Tuple[ParsedTargetFormat, List[str]]: """ This function get hour, minute and second token in target format Parameters ---------- parsed_data paresed target format remain_str remained string after figuring tokens """ if "z" in remain_str: parsed_data.timezone_token = "z" hms_tokens = split(remain_str, [":", parsed_data.timezone_token]) elif "Z" in remain_str: parsed_data.timezone_token = "Z" hms_tokens = split(remain_str, [":", parsed_data.timezone_token]) else: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, [":"]) # ensure AM, PM tokens without JUMP seperators for token in AM: if token in remain_str: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, AM) break for token in PM: if token in remain_str: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, PM) break if len(hms_tokens) == 0: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, [":"]) return parsed_data, hms_tokens def _ensure_ymd( tokes: List[str], is_day_first: Optional[bool] ) -> Tuple[ParsedDate, List[str], Optional[bool]]: """ This function extract value of year, month, day Parameters ---------- tokes generated tokens is_day_first signal of inferring result. """ result = ParsedDate() result, remain_tokens = _ensure_year(result, tokes, deepcopy(tokes)) if len(remain_tokens) == 0: return result, remain_tokens, not is_day_first is None num_tokens = [] for token in remain_tokens: if token.isnumeric(): num_tokens.append(token) for token in num_tokens: remain_tokens.remove(token) if result.ymd["year"] != -1: result, is_day_first = _ensure_month_day(result, num_tokens, is_day_first) else: result, is_day_first = _ensure_year_month_day(result, num_tokens, is_day_first) return result, remain_tokens, is_day_first def _ensure_year( parsed_data: ParsedDate, tokes: List[str], remain_tokens: List[str], ) -> Tuple[ParsedDate, List[str]]: """ This function extract year number whose length is 4 Parameters ---------- parsed_data parsed date tokes parsed tokens remain_tokens remained tokens """ for token in tokes: if token in MONTHS: parsed_data.set_month(MONTHS[token]) remain_tokens.remove(token) if token in WEEKDAYS: parsed_data.set_weekday(WEEKDAYS[token]) remain_tokens.remove(token) for token in remain_tokens: if len(token) == 4 and token.isnumeric(): parsed_data.set_year(int(token)) remain_tokens.remove(token) break return parsed_data, remain_tokens def _ensure_month_day( parsed_data: ParsedDate, num_tokens: List[str], is_day_first: Optional[bool] ) -> Tuple[ParsedDate, Optional[bool]]: """ This function extract month and day when year is not None. Parameters ---------- parsed_data parsed date num_tokens remained numerical tokens is_day_first signal of inferring result. """ if len(num_tokens) == 1: if parsed_data.ymd["month"] != -1: parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) else: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False else: if int(num_tokens[0]) > 12: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[1])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = True elif int(num_tokens[1]) > 12: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False else: if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) elif is_day_first: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[1])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) elif not is_day_first: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) return parsed_data, is_day_first def _ensure_year_month_day( parsed_data: ParsedDate, num_tokens: List[str], is_day_first: Optional[bool] ) -> Tuple[ParsedDate, Optional[bool]]: """ This function extract month and day when year is None. Parameters ---------- parsed_data parsed date num_tokens remained numerical tokens is_day_first signal of inferring result. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if len(num_tokens) == 1: parsed_data.set_year(int(num_tokens[-1]) + 2000) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False elif len(num_tokens) == 2: parsed_data.set_year(int(num_tokens[-1]) + 2000) if parsed_data.ymd["month"] == -1: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) else: parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False elif len(num_tokens) == 3: parsed_data.set_year(int(num_tokens[-1]) + 2000) if int(num_tokens[0]) > 12: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[1])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = True elif int(num_tokens[1]) > 12: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False else: if is_day_first is None: is_day_first = False parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) elif is_day_first: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[1])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[0])) elif not is_day_first: parsed_data.set_month(int(num_tokens[0])) parsed_data.set_day(int(num_tokens[1])) return parsed_data, is_day_first def _ensure_hms(inner_result: ParsedDate, remain_tokens: List[str]) -> ParsedDate: """ This function extract value of hour, minute, second Parameters ---------- inner_result already generated year, month, day value remain_tokens remained tokens used for generating hour, minute, second """ result = deepcopy(inner_result) remain_str = remain_tokens[0] hms_tokens = [] # Judge the expression of am pm ispm = False for token in AM: if token in remain_str: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, AM) break for token in PM: if token in remain_str: ispm = True hms_tokens = split(remain_str, PM) break if len(hms_tokens) == 0: hms_tokens = split(remain_str, [":"]) else: hms_tokens = split(hms_tokens[0], [":"]) if ispm: result = _ensure_pm(result, hms_tokens, 12) else: result = _ensure_pm(result, hms_tokens, 0) return result def _ensure_pm(parsed_data: ParsedDate, hms_tokens: List[str], offset: int) -> ParsedDate: """ This function extract values which stand for pm time Parameters ---------- parsed_data already generated parsed value hms_tokens tokens of hour, minute, second offset if it is pm time, offset = 12 otherwise, offset = 0 """ if len(hms_tokens) == 1: parsed_data.set_hour(int(hms_tokens[0]) + offset) elif len(hms_tokens) == 2: parsed_data.set_hour(int(hms_tokens[0]) + offset) parsed_data.set_minute(int(hms_tokens[1])) elif len(hms_tokens) == 3: parsed_data.set_hour(int(hms_tokens[0]) + offset) parsed_data.set_minute(int(hms_tokens[1])) parsed_data.set_second(int(hms_tokens[2])) return parsed_data def _fix_missing_element(parsed_res: ParsedDate, fix_missing: str) -> ParsedDate: """ This function fix empty part of transformed format Parameters ---------- parsed_res generated year, month, day, hour, minute, second fix_missing the format of fixing empty part """ if parsed_res.valid == "unknown": return parsed_res if fix_missing == "current": parsed_res = fix_missing_current(parsed_res) elif fix_missing == "minimum": parsed_res = fix_missing_minimum(parsed_res) return parsed_res def _parse(date: str, fix_missing: str, is_day_first: Optional[bool]) -> ParsedDate: """ This function parse string into tokens Parameters ---------- date date string fix_missing format of fixing empty is_day_first signal of inferring result. """ tokens = split(date, JUMP) parsed_date_res, remain_tokens, _ = _ensure_ymd(tokens, is_day_first) if len(remain_tokens) > 0: parsed_time_res = _ensure_hms(parsed_date_res, remain_tokens) else: parsed_time_res = parsed_date_res parsed_res = _fix_missing_element(parsed_time_res, fix_missing) return parsed_res def _change_timezone(parsed_date_data: ParsedDate, output_timezone: str) -> ParsedDate: """ This function change timezone for already parsed date string Parameters ---------- parsed_date_data parsed date string output_timezone target timezone string """ origin_tz_offset = timedelta(days=0, seconds=0) target_tz_offset = timedelta(days=0, seconds=0) origin_date = datetime.datetime( year=parsed_date_data.ymd["year"], month=parsed_date_data.ymd["month"], day=parsed_date_data.ymd["day"], hour=parsed_date_data.hms["hour"], minute=parsed_date_data.hms["minute"], second=parsed_date_data.hms["second"], ) origin_add, target_add = 0, 0 if parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"] in all_timezones: pytz_offset = pytz.timezone(str(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"])).utcoffset(origin_date) if not pytz_offset is None: origin_add = -1 if pytz_offset.days > 0 and pytz_offset.seconds > 0 else 1 origin_tz_offset = timedelta( days=abs(pytz_offset.days), seconds=abs(pytz_offset.seconds) ) elif parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"] in ZONE: origin_add = -1 if ZONE[str(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"])] > 0 else 1 offset_value = abs(ZONE[str(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"])]) * 3600 origin_tz_offset = timedelta(days=0, seconds=offset_value) if output_timezone in all_timezones: pytz_offset = pytz.timezone(output_timezone).utcoffset(origin_date) if not pytz_offset is None: target_add = 1 if pytz_offset.days >= 0 and pytz_offset.seconds >= 0 else -1 target_tz_offset = timedelta( days=abs(pytz_offset.days), seconds=abs(pytz_offset.seconds) ) elif output_timezone in ZONE: target_add = 1 if ZONE[output_timezone] >= 0 else -1 offset_value = abs(ZONE[output_timezone]) * 3600 target_tz_offset = timedelta(days=0, seconds=offset_value) result = deepcopy(parsed_date_data) if -1 in [ parsed_date_data.ymd["year"], parsed_date_data.ymd["month"], parsed_date_data.ymd["day"], parsed_date_data.hms["hour"], parsed_date_data.hms["minute"], parsed_date_data.hms["second"], ]: return parsed_date_data utc_date = origin_date + origin_tz_offset if origin_add == 1 else origin_date - origin_tz_offset target_date = utc_date + target_tz_offset if target_add == 1 else utc_date - target_tz_offset result.set_year(target_date.year) result.set_month(target_date.month) result.set_day( result.set_hour(target_date.hour) result.set_minute(target_date.minute) result.set_second(target_date.second) result.set_tzinfo(timezone=output_timezone) days = target_tz_offset.days seconds = target_tz_offset.seconds result.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_hours=int(abs(days) * 24 + abs(seconds) / 3600)) result.set_tzinfo(utc_offset_minutes=int((abs(seconds) - (abs(seconds) / 3600) * 3600) / 60)) if target_add >= 0: result.set_tzinfo(utc_add="+") elif target_add < 0: result.set_tzinfo(utc_add="-") return result def _transform_year(result_str: str, year_token: str, year: int) -> str: """ This function transform parsed year into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string year_token token of year year value of year """ result = deepcopy(result_str) if year_token != "": if year == -1: if len(year_token) == 4: result = result.replace(year_token, "----") elif len(year_token) == 2: result = result.replace(year_token, "--") elif len(year_token) == 1: result = result.replace(year_token, "-") else: if len(year_token) == 4: result = result.replace(year_token, str(year)) else: year = year - 2000 if year < 10: result = result.replace(year_token, f"{0}{year}") else: result = result.replace(year_token, str(year)) return result def _transform_month(result_str: str, month_token: str, month: int) -> str: """ This function transform parsed month into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string month_token token of month month value of month """ result = deepcopy(result_str) if month_token != "": if month == -1: if len(month_token) == 3: result = result.replace(month_token, "---") elif len(month_token) == 5: result = result.replace(month_token, "-----") elif len(month_token) == 2: result = result.replace(month_token, "--") elif len(month_token) == 1: result = result.replace(month_token, "-") else: if len(month_token) == 2: if month < 10: result = result.replace(month_token, f"{0}{month}", 1) else: result = result.replace(month_token, str(month), 1) elif len(month_token) == 3: result = result.replace(month_token, TEXT_MONTHS[month - 1][0], 1) elif len(month_token) == 5: result = result.replace(month_token, TEXT_MONTHS[month - 1][1], 1) else: result = result.replace(month_token, str(month), 1) return result def _transform_day(result_str: str, day_token: str, day: int) -> str: """ This function transform parsed month into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string day_token token of day day value of day """ result = deepcopy(result_str) if day_token != "": if day == -1: if len(day_token) == 2: result = result.replace(day_token, "--") elif len(day_token) == 1: result = result.replace(day_token, "-") else: if len(day_token) == 2: if day < 10: result = result.replace(day_token, f"{0}{day}", 1) else: result = result.replace(day_token, str(day), 1) else: result = result.replace(day_token, str(day)) return result def _transform_hms(result_str: str, hms_token: str, ispm: bool, hms_value: int) -> str: """ This function transform parsed month into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string hms_token, ispm token of hour, minute or second, justify whether it is time in P.M. hms_value value of hour, minute or second """ result = deepcopy(result_str) if hms_token != "": if hms_value == -1: if len(hms_token) == 2: result = result.replace(hms_token, "--") elif len(hms_token) == 1: result = result.replace(hms_token, "-") else: if ispm: hms_value = hms_value - 12 if len(hms_token) == 2: if hms_value < 10: result = result.replace(hms_token, f"{0}{hms_value}", 1) else: result = result.replace(hms_token, str(hms_value), 1) else: result = result.replace(hms_token, str(hms_value)) return result def _transform_weekday(result_str: str, weekday_token: str, weekday: int) -> str: """ This function transform parsed month into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string weekday_token token of weekday weekday value of weekday """ result = deepcopy(result_str) if weekday_token != "": if weekday == -1: if len(weekday_token) == 3: result = result.replace(weekday_token, "---") elif len(weekday_token) == 5: result = result.replace(weekday_token, "-----") else: if len(weekday_token) == 3: result = result.replace(weekday_token, TEXT_WEEKDAYS[weekday - 1][0]) elif len(weekday_token) == 5: result = result.replace(weekday_token, TEXT_WEEKDAYS[weekday - 1][1]) return result def _transform_timezone( result_str: str, timezone_token: str, timezone: str, utc_add: str, utc_offset_hours: int, utc_offset_minutes: int, ) -> str: """ This function transform parsed month into target format Parameters ---------- result_str result string timezone_token token of timezone in target format timezone value of timezone string tz_info information of timezone, including offset hours and mins comparing to UTC """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments result = deepcopy(result_str) if timezone_token != "": if timezone_token == "z": result = result.replace(timezone_token, timezone) elif timezone_token == "Z": offset_hours_str = str(int(utc_offset_hours)) if len(offset_hours_str) == 1: offset_hours_str = f"{0}{offset_hours_str}" offset_minutes_str = str(int(utc_offset_minutes)) if len(offset_minutes_str) == 1: offset_minutes_str = f"{0}{offset_minutes_str}" result = result.replace( timezone_token, f"UTC{utc_add}{offset_hours_str}:{offset_minutes_str}" ) return result def _transform( parsed_date_data: ParsedDate, parsed_output_format_data: ParsedTargetFormat, output_format: str, output_timezone: str, ) -> str: """ This function transform parsed result into target format Parameters ---------- parsed_date_data generated year, month, day, hour, minute, second parsed_output_format_data generated year token, month token, day token, hour token, minute token, second token of target format output_format target format string output_timezone target timezone string """ result = deepcopy(output_format) if output_timezone != "": parsed_date_data = _change_timezone(parsed_date_data, output_timezone) # Handle year result = _transform_year( result, parsed_output_format_data.ymd_token["year_token"], parsed_date_data.ymd["year"] ) # Handle day result = _transform_day( result, parsed_output_format_data.ymd_token["day_token"], parsed_date_data.ymd["day"] ) # Handle hours result = _transform_hms( result, str(parsed_output_format_data.hms_token["hour_token"]), bool(parsed_output_format_data.hms_token["ispm"]), parsed_date_data.hms["hour"], ) # Handle minutes result = _transform_hms( result, str(parsed_output_format_data.hms_token["minute_token"]), False, parsed_date_data.hms["minute"], ) # Handle seconds result = _transform_hms( result, str(parsed_output_format_data.hms_token["second_token"]), False, parsed_date_data.hms["second"], ) # Handle month result = _transform_month( result, parsed_output_format_data.ymd_token["month_token"], parsed_date_data.ymd["month"] ) # Handle weekday result = _transform_weekday( result, parsed_output_format_data.weekday_token, parsed_date_data.weekday ) # Handle timezone result = _transform_timezone( result, parsed_output_format_data.timezone_token, str(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["timezone"]), str(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["utc_add"]), int(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["utc_offset_hours"]), int(parsed_date_data.tzinfo["utc_offset_minutes"]), ) return result